Thursday, February 26, 2009

Opening pressies

Opening pressies is like everyone's favourite time...
tee hee hee

Hence I would lurve to capture each and everyone's expression
when they open their big/lil/funky pressies
including my monkey expressions
Sweet Nandia reading the xmas card...
she was opening Monkey + JS's pressie!!!
Souvla King Marios opening his
wat u got wat u got?????
we gave him a box of...........
Partagas Series D4
erm dun ask me bout cigars..
I know they are expensive only...that's all
Dinos the Great was so calm
he got a nice white shirt!!!
and started wearing it -_-
JS :))))))))))
"WAT U GOT????"
a beautiful cigar holder :))))))
eh both of u think alike leh...
Saint Veeny was hesistant at first..
coz it was her Birthday pressie!!!
something from Sweet Nandia & Souvla King Marios
WOW!!! so beautiful!!!
and now it's my turn!!!
the sneaky mischievious look!!
quick quick open it!!!
tsk tsk....mad woman opening her pressies!!!
We bought Ferragamo scarf for Sweet Nandia
They bought Cavalli scarf for Monkey!!!

We bought cigar
they bought cigar holder!!

anyway I lurve opening pressies
*as u can see fr my reactions*
so pressies are alwiz welcome at my door

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