Friday, January 09, 2009

Spondi by Chef Arnoud Bignon

this is a 2 Michelin star restaurant
and they are running for their 3rd this year.

Chef Arnoud Bignon came fr Alain Ducasse's wing....

I was skeptical at the beginning coz I seriously didn't fancy Alain Ducasse
after my visit to Spoon in Hong Kong.
*read here*
the seats outside were beautifully litted
but it's too cold to sit outside.
steps leading up the place
this place has a very nice rustic ambience
looks like we were siting in a wine cellar
funky hanging lights
Swarovski crystal deco on the table
really rustic bread
they were really good that I can't stop stuffing them into my face
esp with good rich butter
appetizer of tuna rolled in seaweed
on the spoon was a "salad"
marshmallow of beetroot
i-forgot-wat-the-heck item
yep...."the salad"
it burst in your mouth and gave the sensation of having a bowl of salad
yeah i tasted sweet pepper, onion, celery, tomatoes innit...and some aragulas too.
everyone ordered this foie gras pate
with candied fig and hibiscus
I had "The Langoustine"
in Maki with coriander, creamy soup of mango and passion fruit
wine to go with....
my favourite Chambolle at 390 Euro and since JS was so intelligent with his wine notes
and selection...Mr. Sommelier decided to give him 20% on this bottle.
fr this maker.....
u will expect to see this whenever dining with Mr. JS
restaurant price was 429 Euro
super CHEAP RIGHT??????????
Spore wholesale was already SGD 1400
Somebody had this...
Milk Fed Lamb
roasted fillet in a crust of coriander + candied lemon, with coconut milk + pineapple maki roll with onion paste.
I had a very simple Seabass
in crusted bread and BOTARGO *am crazy over this now*
the orangy rich squarish BOTARGO
sitting on the fish....
JS had the venison in pepper crust, chestnut and celeriac Panisse
roasted fillet of duck, sweet potato/kumquat paste *the long orangie thingy*
crystallised agastache flowers *wat the heck is tat?*
pak choi with orange.
Dinos the Great & Saint Veeny
JS and Couchie George
then the cheese tray were rolled out elegantly
when the lid was lifted up...the whiff of it made me dizzy
Cute Greek Waiter: "Over ere, we harf the abc cheese fr xyz farm which was not cured bla bla bla...and this one"

hmmm can I have u instead??
He said he was stuffed...and now look at his plate
that's why u are Dinos the Great
greater than Alexander
sorbet to wash everything down
foam again??? aragula foams.
Chestnut dessert!!!!!
with pear veloute flavoured with blackcurrant,
chestnut "mont blanc" and crunchy meringue.
hot hazelnut soufle, milk gianduja cube,
and green apple flavoured with cardamon.
the milk gianduja cube with real gold leaf
cardamon seed with cardamon powder
it also came with hazelnuts wrapped with caramel
coffee of cool geometry of pure arabiva with lemon thyme, hazelnut praline broth translucent coffee
twirl of caramel
with gold leaf *again*
as we thought the dessert was ended
the cute waiter pushed another cart full of SWEETS
lil cakes, pralines, macaroons
I only had a pistachio macaroon, spice infused orange juice and raspberry marshmallow
I like this the best :)
while somebody who is Great had a sample of everything
-_- haiiiiii
test tubes of juices
reminded me of another 2 Michelin star restaurant in London
Thank u for the exquisite dinner
and wines :)))))))))

Read about the other 2 Michelin star restaurant we visited in London
*click here*

Pyronos 5,
11638 Pagrati,
Athens, Greece
Tel: +30 2107 564 021

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