Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Porkie @ Vintry, Bukit Damansara

Sexay Back Maggie organised this eventful dinner with wines and crispy porkie
2 days before the dinner:
Sexay Back Maggie: "Oh shooott!! I have a wedding dinner to attend."
everyone: -_-"
Sweet Devil Rachel & Beautiful CS
so it ended up with 5 of us hogging the huge table
coz Hot Mama Thevi oso didn't make it
*hope Baby Aiden is ok now :)*
Notti Monkey and So Hilt Sharon
wonder why are we so eppy eppy???
crispy porkie!!!
we came all the way to Bukit Damansara for this!!!
spicy crispy porkie with lotsa caramelised garlic
crispy deep fried porkie strips
deep fried cheese balls
we also had a garden salad
extremely yummy grilled mushrooms
Thai style pasta with crispy pork lard
korean fried noodle with more crispy pork
Hot Babe Shen came later but didn't missed out the fun

Hot Babe Shen: "Where are we going later?"
everyone: "Home"

Hot Babe Shen: "I wanna go dancing."
everyone: -_-
Beautiful CS & Hot Babe Shen
The Beautiful had a nicely blown hair while the Shen will lose her Ah-Et nick soon.

GAH I have yet to enjoy discounted KRUG fr u and u are leaving!!!!
what about my KRUG's chateau visit in Champagne???
So Hilt Sharon & Hot Babe Shen
So Hilt was sharing her intimate details~~~
so eppy for u woman!!!!
wat's that hand doin there???
professional cam-whores
but Hot Babe Shen was the one who can't stop that nite
grilled bananas with chocolate
Sweet Devil Rachel was whining: "How come the bananas so smaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllll"
creme caramel was not too bad
Monkey, Beautiful CS, So Hilt Sharon
eppy face after a eppy meal
Later the gals adjourned to another secret venue for more alcos
Obedient Monkey went home :P
Sexay Back Maggie was so sweet to drop by after her wedding dinner
so next outing u better not FFK!!!!
but thanks for organising this one :))

130 Jalan Kasah,
Medan Damansara,
50940 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 603 2094 8262

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