Friday, January 23, 2009

Diamonds are Forever~~~~

During one of our bitchin session:
No Longer Available JH: "If u love her for now, u give her flowers. If u love her forever....what do u give?"

Sweet Devil Rachel: in her sexay sultry voice belted out "Diaaaamondssss areeeee FOREVERRRRRRRR~~~~~~"

everyone agreed
moreover Diamonds are a gal's bestfriend.

cept for one person who said: "Patek Philippe....coz its to pass on to the next generation.........."
Monkey was speechless

he then added: "Patek better than diamond leh....better re-sale value."
Monkey fell off her chair.

Is that why u bought my FIRST Patek 2.8 years ago???
I am giving u 5 hours to prepare the answer(s)


  1. You lucky Monkey you!!! I also want a Patek! (whisper to JS about this ok??)

  2. TL: He he....let see wat he says...:))))))
