Friday, December 19, 2008

Russian Film Festival

It was still quite early in the day when Miss M called me. She sounded excited.

"Hey, xiao jie, what are you doing tonight? Want to go and watch a movie?"

I wasn't sure. A movie, on a week night? I hope it's a nice one. She still sounded very excited.

"It's a Russian movie. But we'll get English subtitles, of course."

Oh wow... interesting. Russian huh.....

"It free!!!"

Keep talking buddy - I am more interested already. What she was talking about was actually the very FIRST
Russian Film Festival, taking place at the KL Convention Center.

The film was to start at 7.30pm, and we barely made it in time. But upon reaching the venue, what we saw were a lot of people, hanging around, outside the screening hall.

The screening had not begun, because dinner was being served!

I had no idea the spread before us were meant for everyone, and anyone, who had come for the film screening (yea... this tortoise lives in the mountains).

Since we were asked to, we had a little dinner as well. They served wines too, but mountain tortoises don't drink wine.

It wasn't my imagination, the food must had been really good, because the guests were very reluctant to leave the buffet and wines, to take their seats in the screening hall. It took quite a while for the staff to get everyone in.

Then, Mr Russian Ambassador said a few words.

The movie started probably just before 8.30pm. Looks like the Russian organizers didn't take long to adapt to our local culture - the Malaysian time.

The film we caught was The Barber of Siberia. As you'd probably (or probably not) read the synopsis, it was sort of a love story. It was in parts funny, down to earth and heart-rending - very different from the usual flashy, over-produced Hollywood stuff, and very engaging. The movie ended later than we thought it would, and ..... (long story) ..... but still I am really glad I went.

The reader ought to give the film festival a thought (it lasts till Sunday), though I can't say if there'll still be dinner served before the movie begins...


  1. oooo I've never been to such musical before. I hope u had a good time there. :)))

  2. It was just a movie screening, but a very enjoyable one ;)
