Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bloggin from Athina

Hi Ppl!!!
monkey is now safely in Athens aka Athina
no riots, no burning cars, no demonstration
bla bla blaText Color

weather is fantastic at 15 degrees celcius
Life goes on here and everyone's busy shopping for xmas
Huge beautiful trees were everywhere
*no time to load pics*

Much earlier:
Monkey: "George, are u ok there in Athens??? Tell Me TELL MEEEEE"
George: "Things are fine and well here despite some shops were burned."

*gasped and held her breathe*
Monkey: "Did did...did...did.... they burn down my LV....and LOEWE and..... and PRADA????????"
*almost cried and in tears*

George: "Everything is fine. Your shops are here waiting for u."

I'm a selfish bitch.
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

I'll try to blog and upload pics...
will do my best.

Lurve u ppl and have a good week ahead there.
Hugs and kisses fr Athens.


  1. hey hey, good to know all is well. coz one of our school sr. Juliana Ibrahim was there in Athens just previous week. she said she was there during the incidents and airports were closed. so good to know that while you are there, all is good. have a good Xmas over there - happy eating, happy shopping and sightseeing. too bad i'll miss you during my trip bck this time around. take care! looking fwd to the pics!

  2. Thanks Kindy Chai. no worries I'll see u during CNY. MUAKS!!!!
