Monday, December 29, 2008

BIG FAT breakfast at Athens

it was Sunday morning.....
our host had to sleep at the couch

so that he can accommodate all his guests

but he sleeps at his couch all the
Dinos the Great, Couchie George, JS & Saint Veeny
still clad in pyjamas
I think Couchie George was still sleeping in this pic :Pcappucino to start off our day!!!!
freshly brewed fr Couchie George's coffee machine
*vroom vrrooommm*

fresh tangerine, it's Citrus season now!!!

freshly baked loaf fr the local stone oven

Saint Veeny sliced them off nicely to be toasted

JS made notes on my Anya Hindmarch notebook.....
coz there'll be too many things to remember

Dinos the Great: "Be patient children! Can't u see that I am busy cutting em???"

extremely high quality greek honey...
the sweetness was out of body experience!!!
yes. I. am. not. exaggerating.
more more more more for my TOAST!!!! freshly made greek yogurt with cherries fr the "holy mountain"
Couchie George
gave us a jar to bring home :)))))ham!!! ham!!!! i lurve HAM!!!!YUM YUM YUMand salamis too :))
look at the texture!!!
Dinos the Great: "Monkey!!! No stealing my HAM OK???"
I had my fair share :D
pickled sour cherry on buttered toast *only with olive butter*

Nope...greeks dun eat like this every morning.
only on weekends..

or more like only at Couchie George's Bachelor Pad
hiak hiak hiak.

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