Friday, November 07, 2008

Imbi Market aka Pasar Bukit Bintang

Hainanese tea was a mixture of pulled tea and coffee
it looked like cappucino but tasted much better
freshly made yong tau foo
the laydee fried em on the spot,
especially lurve the bitter gourd, chilies, brinjal.
my favourite has got to be Imbi's curry mee
laced with red red chili oil
thin noodle is so much nicer than the thick one as it absorbed all the flava
hainanese toast
they used BUTTER!!!!
yeah folks,
I ate the above at one sitting.
hehehehehehe....JS just had coffee cost he "no likey" this place
He never seem to find anything to eat here.

there's pohpiah, porridge, fry noodle, kuey teow,
all sorts of kuih, more noodles.
it's always full and u have to hunt for your seat.
I do come here at least once a month esp when I crave for Hainanese tea + curry mee
the dry + wet market is connected to this place
with tonnes of offering from fruits, to vege, to fish to meat.
chinese lurve macaroni
so who made the 1st macaroni??
so Who brought wat to the wat????

Imbi Market or Pasar Bukit Bintang
Jalan Melati,
55100 Kuala Lumpur.


  1. Anonymous9:07 PM

    nice blog! i know who to look for good foods :)

  2. Keane: Hi there. Thank you for dropping by here. :))) and more good food to come. hehehe. Cheers.
