Thursday, November 20, 2008

August Man Launch @ Fukuya

last nite was the launch of hawt hawt hawt Men's Magazine
and it was raining the whole day,
Mommy says...... if u are hosting an event and it's raining,
it spells that u are a thrifty person.
Monkey & Baby Wei
but it was definitely a lavish nite with champagnes and creation from Chef Ando
Baby Wei & Ice Aishah
Beautiful CS & So Hilt Sharon
So Hilt Sharon just came back fr Bali....
nice sunny sandy Bali and where is your tan???
My beau - JS
erm he came to have his dinner.

JS: "aiya kacau kacau got event. I kenot have my dinner."
"U come and join us k"
while we were having canapes and finger food...........
he pulak get his usual chirashi
with full specifictions.....toro, sea urchin, salmon belly, hiramasa, jap sweet prawns
So Hilt Sharon, Monkey, still munchin on sushi Baby Wei
Monkey and So Hilt Sharon
it was so romantic, coz we were walkin in the rain,
with an umbrella of coz. :P
Sweet Devil Rachel also want a pic with Ah Kong
Beautiful CS and JS who dropped by for dinner -_-
No Longer Available JH said no pic!!!
If I want a pic with him:
1) I must not touch him
2) I must not slut-pic with him
3) and most of all I MUST NOT KENOT WILL NOT touch him
I'm gonna post more!!!
Look who's cam-whoring!!!!
No Longer Available JH was pouting!!!
OMG did I just say that???
HE's cam-whoring!!!
Did u SEE tat????
He also played pimp of the nite....
with Tall May and Ice Aishah
pimp pimp pimp
Baby Wei said the food were yummy!!!!
with Bry
who came with a hawt chick
why neva intro???
Monkey, JLC Samantha, Tai Kah Jie Maggie
What a cute pair!!!
Beautiful CS with B&O Kenneth
Bang & Olufsen was one of the sponsors
Beautiful CS, Mrs B&O Kenneth, JLC Reena, JLC Sam
The Peak Tahir, Monkey, Baby Wei
*can u spot the Bottega??*
Victor the host....
TQ for the partay, we had fun!!
Tai Kah Jie Maggie: "WAHHHH I tell your wife!!! but nvm I want one pic with u too."
we take one slutty one and tell our boyfriends kay?
I lurve Maggie's new bob..
and if u notice not many pics of Sweet Devil Rachel....
well she was busy hitting on someone...-_-
Thank u to Mumm champagne for the free flow...
We were wearing CORUM!!!
Thank u to erm...CORUM???
for bringing all the laughter and fun????
the I-lurve-u shot
I-lurve-u shot 2
hawt babes!!!!
Beautiful CS tried her hands on poker
and we merely had to pull No Longer Available JH away fr his table

*cluctching the green table....noooOOOOOooooooo*

"We are goin home.....last game ok???"
the arrival of ms Beautiful CS
actually we were about to go home
Ah Kong....I think So Hilt Sharon is nicer
Baby Wei with her Beyonce pose..
she was so disappointed there isn't Ipod for doorgifts
>_< nvm u can have my gift voucher to buy your Apple products. look at my fat shadow
I can visualise how I'll look like in 5 years time.
Beautiful CS, Tai Kah Jie Maggie, Monkey, So Hilt Sharon, Baby Wei, Sweet Devil Rachel

so this Friday set ya!!


  1. That's blackjack, not poker

  2. Joo: Yea I think i must been intoxicated when bloggin bout it. He he he he.
