Thursday, October 09, 2008

Dinner at Secret Location

JS took this pic...
after the sun has gone down.
another shot with flash on...
I lurve both pics a lot...
taken 2 seconds apart and yet so different.
Monkey seated with HRH and the rest
hosts of the nite were Mr. Kwon and Mrs. Kwon
owner of Borneo Golf resort.
so we had BBQ ala Korean style with all the special sauces
table was set up nicely by the Korean staffs
Chef who was specially flown in fr Korea...
busy preparing the Korean BBQ
I was eye-ing those fatty sliced porkie....
and sweet prawns
Koreans lurve their greens...
above was sliced japanese cucumber, sweet white onions and sweet carrots..
how come all so sweet one?
mana u beli?
Apa sayur???

off topic:
we were alwiz joking on how Koreans said hello = "AHN YOH hashimnikah"
to make it short it became...Apa sayur?
more lettuces and green chilies..
yep u consume them raw.
Prawns Prawns Prawns!!!
BBQ Prawns!!!!
the squid were first boiled then bbq, this way the texture will be better.
grilled garlic in oil...
it has this sweet garlicky taste instead of its usual pungent-ness
Porkie Porkie Porkie
the skin became so crispy!!!
BBQ chicken, leeks and garlic on a skewer.
JS skipped this!!
nice setting isn't it?
after our dessert
we were transported in the darkness back to civilisation..
bye bye Secret Location.
I will try to find u in Google Earth and tag it!!!!!
Bernard da Joker with Mr. & Mrs. Kwon.
someone sang this song for me...
thank u ar..
u made me so shy that nite.
then we screamed that we wanted KOREAN songsssss
"Mr. Kwon!!!! SING!!!!!!"

then all the sayur and ahn yoh came out.

Kamsahamida Mr and Mrs Kwon
it was a great dinner
with great golf and also staying at your resort...

tq for everything!!!
we had a great time

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