Monday, October 06, 2008

Celebrating Her Royal Highness's Birthday

waiting for HRH...
Bernard da Joker helped us to booked a nice table @ Peppino
weeks ago...
fr Mr. Jimmy-Fixed-It
whom also prepared us a nice yummy b-day cake
and waived our corkage.
Peppino had a renovation and changed its concept
from venetian to simply Italian...
with painted pics of olive trees on its wall
and 2 floor to ceiling wine cellars.
most importantly, we checked its glasses..
hmmm right glasses for our wines.
anyway we had doesn't matter much.
but it was a good bordeaux.
Roger Dubois
clock is ticking...tick tock tick tock...
the sun sets pretty early in Sabah,
they even berbuka puasa an hour ealier...
at 6.14pm.
Chef Rosario Seminatore fr Turin, Italy.
with 25 years of experience fr all around the world,
he joined Shangri-la in May this year.

he had revamped the whole menu and the whole place..
I guess he must be a confucius....
coz he made us so confused with his "off the menu" selections....

"I can make this for you........I have this today.............try my fish"
Bernard da Joker pouting at me...
hey u are not me...stop pouting like me!!!!
not on its menu.....Tasmanian Oysters
oysters must alwiz go with champagne...
they only have Dom Perignon with no vintage???????
anyway Smart JS brought this Krug 95
Mr. Jimmy-Fixed-it the restaurant manager was so surprised.
carpaccio of beef with shaved parmesan
I had this which was on its menu and I didn't like it....
lobster terrine with capsicum sauce????
oven baked avocado with shrimps and porcini mushrooms
this was yummy and rich
fresh tomatoes with mozarella cheese salad with AVOCADO and pesto sauce
but fat fat fat fat fat fat fat

off topic:
I came back with a 3 kg winter melon size belly
with an additional body weight of 2.2kg.
congratulations ms u better stop eating
and start dieting!!!!
Phelan Segur......We had this for my b-day last year at Les Amis.
yes I know it's a very good wine!!!
JS had an outstanding Langoustine pasta
very very rustic!!!
this Chef is really good!!
Eveline had Ravioli in tomato sauce
Chef Rosario said the Italians stole the idea fr chinese - wantons.
JS's nephews had this veal medallion.
children kenot eat meat with bones...
but...but....they are in their teens?????
but Monkey can have as much bones as she wants!!!
my VEAL SHANK!!!!!!
look at its juice...............
one whole piece to myself!!!!!
anyway I gave 3/4 piece to the boys.
Bernard da Joker, Mark, Eveline, HRH, Andrew, JS
with red faces thanks to the champagnes.
from my face u know I didn't drink...
coz it was a BORDEAUX!!!!!
then came the cake by Mr. Jimmy-Fixed-it restaurant manager
it was a yummy expresso cheese cake with macaroons on top.
next came the dessert menu...

Bernard da Joker wanted this pic to be titled: Happy Anniverssary Wife!!!!!

"Children stop fighting.....I'll get desserts for u all."
3 layered ice cream with berries reduction
aaaAAAaaa our pick of the nite...lemon granitas!!!!
creme brulee.....very funny flavour nor funny additional thing inside...
T_T Bernard da Joker ordered this...............
Sponge cake dipped in RUM
tasted like the cake has been soaked in 60% proof hard liquor.
no likey!!!!
we were trying to see who's "redder"
basically JS won hands down...
he's alwiz RED like a lobster.
Most importanly HRH had a great time
being showered with gifts and lotsa lotsa LOVE!!!!!
and good wine and great food

this place is so good....
we are coming BACK!!!!

Peppino Italian Restaurant
Tanjung Aru Resort & Spa
20 Jalan Aru, Tangung Aru,
88100 Kota Kinabalu,
Tel: 6088 327 888

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