Friday, September 19, 2008

Sage revisited

2x a week...
shows how much we lurve this place.

It was a very hectic day
which started with a horrible press conference at 10am
and the moment I land myself on the couch.
"I need a martini"

JS: "O_O do u know I brought good wines????"

anyway they didn't have lychee-tini so I ended up with Mojito.
Complimentary fr chef,
cold starter of prawns + abalone
my starter of abalone :))))))) + foie gras
I Ching's foie gras with sweet wine sauce - off the menu
yep it was a foie gras galore that nite,
and nobody does foie gras as good as Chef Takashi.
not even Les Amis.
JS had this tuna (???) with fedellini in truffle oil
This was very good
main lobster with generous helping of sea urchin on top.
I'm gonna have this the next round I am in Sage.
I had this lovely lamb for my main..
so so so so so yummy!!!
and then everyone begun stealing fr my plate
>_< Prince C had his 600g of meat!!!!!
didn't anyone read on the menu that it's 600g?????

JS had his usual pasta again - main course portion
this MSD never fail us....
excellent year
and the 1st time we had this was at Mr. Tom Aikens @ Kensington, London.
Read about it *here*open kitchen concept for all to see,
will definitely try "Chef's table" next round.
lemon souffle wif vanilla ice cream
panna cotta
roast apple with ice cream *of coz*
I Ching & Me
chocolate macarons

on his way home....
Prince C: "When are we goin to Sage again?"
JS: "O_O HAH??? So soon???"

We'll definitely come back..
very soon.


  1. Anonymous9:51 PM

    may i know where is the location of this little gem ?

  2. Sara: Thank u for dropping by. Sage is located on the 6th Floor of The Gardens Residence. For full listing, click on the link below:
