Monday, September 29, 2008

Monkey in my Office

Who would've imagined?

Monkey posing with my book

She made good her word, and came crashing in, fresh-faced and chic. Careless me did not only fail to prepare bananas, but in fact, was so bogged down by some stupid partial fraction expansion problems, that she had to spend the first half an hour reading the previous day's paper. Nevertheless, she remained cheerful, and was even thoughtful enough to share a funny article about hopeless Asian dads with a grumbling i-hate-maths me.

I could not even begin to fathom how I was to keep her entertained. My office was so bare - void of good food, of high-tech toys, definitely of bars for climbing and swinging around. So how could I keep the active, energetic Monkey adequately occupied and happy? But of course, I needn't had worried - she kept herself busy enough checking out what's outside the window, what's on my bookshelves, and photographing everything from my miserly collection of instant coffees and biscuits to the academic calendar on the wall.

Those were all very well, but the highlight of the day which kept her elated all throughout was our long-awaited KFC lunch. Add a couple of hours of uuu-aaarrkkkking monkey chatter to it, and we had the most perfect visiting-monkey day ever!

1 comment:

  1. ohhh...looks like monkey got a hair cut eh? ;)
