Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Mee Mee's Wedding Reception - Part 3

their pics on the menu!!!!
wedding favours
We were super early,
in order to secure a good parking,
plus some duty to perform....
other than that, while waiting for the other guests to arrive....
we took the opportunity to rssyt
truly lived up to our table number,
guess that's why Mee Mee stationed both of us there!!!
Mee Mee's bouquet was so special!!!
made fr so many type of flowers.
Mr. Joo who had been MIA for weeks made a special appearance.
we missed u buddy!!!
yum seng yum seng
the guys on our table
small issue, it was only chinese tea
she looked stunning in this dark purple dress
Monkey, Mee Mee, Nee Lee, Teofu.
Wendy was there too
with Sherleyne, Hui Choo, Monkey
Nee Lee and Tam Chiak,
tam chiak came in RED.

he considered himself a ji mui.
Congratulations to u again Mee Mee.
Roomies forever :)))))))))


  1. Really sooo 38 rssyt la...

    But I agree with this: roomees forever! :)

  2. Nee Lee: yep that's our motto!!! Hey Sims 3 will be out next year. Anyway the new game - Spore is launching this Saturday.
