Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Mee Mee "chut mun" fr Royal Bintang - Part 1

Mee Mee requested all her "ji muis" to be at the hotel
by 6.45am

I started my journey at 6.15am
and thought I'll be sooo gawd damn late.

Mana tau, I was the 1st.
Early bird has its privilege....
I can cam-whore with the bride as much as I wanted.
Look at the sleepy can die face.
Mee Mee told me she woke up at 4am for her makeup
Mee Mee and her family!!
She's so gorgeous and princes -liked
*Not goggles ok shell shell?*
We missed shell shell coz she has to attend budget meeting
on 31st August
I thought u were marching for your company at Dataran Merdeka
-_-" x 100000
for our National Day parade.
Who's your boss? I'm so gonna sunat him.
Later on, 5 mins before the groom was there..
all the ji muis arrived.
We came in the same shade of RED!!!
Chinese New year RED :))))))))))))))
Mee Mee's beloved parents putting the veil on her.
It's a chinese custom, where the parents will "veil" her
and the groom will un-veil.
Monkey and Nee Lee
I'm so sorry u have to bear with both of us...
there's more pics of us later on.
Self-proclaimed cam-whores.
we were damn damn happy coz our roomie is getting married!!!!
then the "heng tais" barged in
Teofu and his super smart engineering gang.
1st class students, with excellent academic profiles, some with PHDs
spells brainy eh????
1st hurdle - creamy stinky overnite durian with wasabi + chilies toppings
fr the look of Teofu's face u know....it really stinks!!!!
I almost vomitted!!!!
some thirst quencher to wash out all the stinko durian
the ladies have prepared a healthy drink!!!
Bittergourd + celery + GARLIC
very garlicky
the smell really made me turned green.
this bunch of "heng tais" didn't wanna show their hatred and disgusted face
for they are proud, very proud.
and YUUUUMMM SENG in front of the ji muis and asked for more.

"Very quenchy-licious. U have anymore???"
U are so lucky we have a bottle and in the end they took another 5 mins
and downed everything with pride.
with their face turning GREEN.

Wanna challenge us ladies again in the future????
Since all of u were intellectually proud,
we have some intellectual questions for u guys to answer too.
From green face to SHOCKED face!!!
pls solve the WAVE EQUATION!!!!
U said u guys were brainy wut....
scratch head scratch head
2nd question!!!
very easy!! it's just an algorithm!!! COME ON!!!
anyway, they only managed one question.....
sigh......plus solving a simple sudoku in 10 mins,
10 mins!!!!!! that was long.
we only gave them one.
I think their brains got rusty.
Can't solve? u pay $$$$$$
by this time, it was the bride who was pissed off
and got Teofu to sing a song.
*ceh that was so easy*
but they were brainy enuff to store a few of Mee Mee's fav songs on the mobile,
and sang to the mp3 of it.
Sing louder ler....
after the song and more ang pows,
they were allowed to barge in.
Teofu slipping the "glass slipper" onto Mee Mee
Mee Mee was ready to be kissed
dear all heng tais, watch out for this two scary ji mui.
*evil grins*
it was so sweet of Mee Mee to prepare a gift for all her ji muis.
a necklace with pendan of our horoscopes
thank u mee mee :)))))
Lurve this pic a lot
the roomies!!!!!
Mee Mee & Teofu *it's not their real names*
the bridal car
so cute!!!
off u go and u are now officially "married off"
it was a touching moment, when Mee Mee's grandma sent her off.
Mee Mee cried and I didn't snap pics of the emo moment
coz this Monkey busy wiping tears off the corner of her eyes.
Congratulations Tan Huey Khee & Teo Han Wei!!!!!


  1. wah wah..busy lady ah...
    huey khee really does look like a princess!

    see you in 2 weeks!

  2. Mee Mee said we were too nice to the guys wor... heheh
