Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Meng Kee Char Siew @ Tengkat Tong Shin

Baby Wei was wailing in the office
that she's hungry
and worse she only wanna that special Tengkat Tong Shin char siew rice

Mommy Jacky was kind enuff to layan
and drove us out in the lunch heat + jam
wow it was so full when we were there at 12pm
Aunty with I wanna murder u look: "How many rice u want? 3 or 4?"
the 3 of us stared at each other and answered unisonly: "3 lor aunty"

the rice was cooked in chicken oil
super duper good.
then out came an indon maid taking drinks orders
at the same time vege orders...

"ada saang choi, ngah choi, choi sam"
lettuce, beans sprout, sawi.

It was delicious with crispy garlic on top with good soy sauce.
super smooth and tender chicken in thick soya sauce.

"Aunty I want upper thigh!!!!"
Aunty with I wanna murder u look: "Everyone also want upper thigh. Where got so many upper thigh to sell????"

:((( pouts........
mix mix lor. but no chicken breast ok.
sweet sticky char siew
very very good...

"Aunty dowan so fat one ar..."

yeah we are fussy customers,
no wonder Aunty has the "I wanna murder u look"
this place is smoky,

and after stuffing our face with a big plate of char siew
we came out smelling like one.

but it was definitely good one.
Price is definitely not cheap.
but worth every penny.

Meng Kee Char Siew
13, Tengkat Tong Shin
55100 Kuala Lumpur.

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