Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ghee Hiang Tau Sar Pneah

we drove around Macalister Road looking for this building,
must be the too spanking new that we didn't see it,
we were expecting some old shop/factory
whiffing out tau sar pneah smell with uncle/auntie vendors.
Ghee Hiang has been producing tau sar pneah, pastries, sesame oil
for 150 years in Penang.

so don't blame us if we were expecting something as old as that.
see what marketing can do to a brand.
they practiced an over-the-counter service,
tell/point to them what u want over the menu,
and ta-da!!!! u just need to pay money.
all packed neatly, nicely for ya.
this place looked so peranakan.
a very old stool
and more peranakan furniture
this one erm..........
made in Britain?
well I'm not gonna post pic of tau sar pneah here
coz I won't be able to resist seeing em,
and there's no tau sar pneah in within reach right now.
Damn. I'm. Hungry.

Ghee Hiang
216 Jalan Macalister
10400 Penang.
Tel: 604 227 2222


  1. so cute one..those statues.

  2. Kindy Chai: Tau Sar Pneah ambassadors....hahahahaha
