Thursday, July 24, 2008

Third Floor, Marriott

All pics taken by celebrity photog Bonnie Yap
using Canon EOS-1D Mark III
Our menu for the night....
made and printed in our office.
I guess basically everything were made/arranged/organised/ by us on that nite,
except the loading and unloading stuffs...
that we left to those muscular hunks to huff and puff
Citrus cured Hiramasa *king fish* with blood orange and beetroot salad
Honey & Soy Glazed cod with wasabi mayonnaise
Australia Black Angus with raisin & mustard sauce

I just realised our celebrity photog
was too busy running around that nite,
she forgotten there's soup *busy snapping at pretty models* and dessert

Dessert was the prettiest!!!!
anyone by chance have the pic????

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