Wednesday, July 16, 2008

MAS: Mana Ada Standard?

Our dearie national air carrier
is seriously dead.

I hated it but I can't live without it
esp to certain destinations.
MAS: "dry" beef with smoked salmon salad
It's NEVER on time,
and made us poor passengers "tour de la airport"
whenever they change from one gate to the other gate.
Mind you, it's like the 1km walk away on the opposite direction.
MAS: super cold and hard Duck pohpiah
Service can alwiz be better,
Cathay has the best service,
they even remember my favourite Haagen Daaz flavour.
every single time,
anyway I no longer fly with Cathay unless to HK.
MAS: breakfast, no room for mistakes coz it's BREAKFAST!!!
MAS is not in the capacity of handling international passengers,
they can't even communicate properly....gosh!!!

I think all of them ought to attend ENGLISH lesson
and not manglish or engRish or Singlish.
*not that my english is good, but u are in the services sector!!! come on*
MAS: egg omelette with mushrooms and cheese and a DEAD pale colored sausage
Whenever the flight has been delayed....
no announcement
no information on the expected time of departure/arrival
*heelllooooo, we have to arrange our transport when we touch down!!!!*
and of coz no standard!!!!

and when the passengers start to question on the above,
the boarding staffs went and hid behind the x-ray machines.
*I should have taken this with my camera then*

tell me, mana ada standard????
MAS: unappetizing "moss" chicken....see the moss on the bone???
MAS: chicken & beef satay
the only food i enjoyed is this.....
except that it's cold.
MAS: my usual pink guava
aboard MAS
the only thing i enjoyed was the space...
really spacious with its built in massage chair.
MAS: chili prawn salad
and sometimes food during long haul flight,
coz the food was prepared in "the other international airport"
and not in Msia.
-_-" haiiii
sad story.
MAS: garlic bread
even the bread fr Mat Salleh land
is much nicer.

what's happening in MAS catering????
are u ppl working or sleeping or waiting for things to happen?
MAS: main course prepared at Mat Salleh land
MAS: forgotten what dessert also made at Mat Salleh land
MAS: welcoming drinks
and u better start to remember my usual pink guava!!!

and do u know that SIA serves KRUG onboard????
they are really serious about their drinks/wine list.
and of coz the famous Spore Sling.
FireFlyz by MAS: me closing my eyes coz it was my 1st time on such a tiny plane
I don't think I will fly with Fireflyz again,
unless I want to go to a destination which no other airline flies to...
*like Koh Samui*
Emirates: lil stars to make u zzzZZZZzzzz
I choose Emirates coz it's affordable.
I don't want to spend 22k per head for a flight to London
*with MAS*
and get treated like shit.
Emirates: canapes
Emirates provide Golden gate passport
*u don't have to queue in any immigration...yippeeeee*

Emirates provides complimentary limo service at your destination, and when I said LIMO,
it's really really limo and not our KLIA limo ok..
*double yipeeeee*

Emirates has the best inflight entertainment...
*it's one of the most canggih-est*
Emirates: another cold but not dry smoked salmon salad
Emirates has the best loyalty card - Skywards
*which is soooo rewarding*
Emirates: Grilled asparagus salad with my fav pine nuts.
Emirates has the most destination,
and they remember ME.

"Welcome aboard Ms. Cherry"
"Welcome back Ms. Cherry"
"Happy to see you again Ms. Cherry"
"How are you Ms Cherry?"
Emirates: Mezze, so much I never ever finish them
and yes in Emirates they feed u like crazy
u just got to tell them to stop,
and u can have as many ice creams as u like.

and dear readers....
Mr JS never dines on board -_-
coz to him, airline meals are not up to his discerning taste

hence he won't understand what I've been through.
this monkey got to eat on board.

Anyway folks,
there's an interesting website which reveals the beautiful/ shocking meals onboard.

Happy browsing.


  1. Anonymous4:49 PM

    i think ure just a spoilt prissy pampered bitch to complain so much.

    come on, its airline food, for goodness' sake! even if u fly first/business class, food will still be horrible because they were prepared days, even weeks in advance.

    get a life, and grow up!

  2. Anon: Hehehehe yeah I think I am overly pampered too. hehehehehehe.
