Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Les Amis

JS: "I'm taking u to Les Amis this Saturday, u likeeee???? :)))))))))"
oh silly!! Of coz I like....that's the best restaurant in Singapore!!!!
and we bumped into Randy the best sommelier in town the day before...

Randy: "Made your reservation? It will be full house."
Reservation is Si Fu Lawrence's duty....hehehehe. TQ.
crispy fish skin with salmon
deep fried fresh sardine on a bed of mushroom, potato & leek sauce
our menu for the nite
Si Fu Lawrence was luffing -_-
when he saw the word truffles on 2 of the dishes.

Si Fu to Tim: "She's allergic to truffles!!! Give her something else."

Tim: "Maam, what would you like?"
Monkey: "I....AM...NOT....ALLERGIC...TO....TRUFFLES!!!! >_<

change this, change that, take that away.
and I have a different menu.
Si Fu, u really "surprised" me!!
first course of the nite, carpaccio of Mediterranean octupus with garlic chips,
Frantoi Cutrera olive oil, parsley and chillis.
This was the ACTUAL 2nd course, capellini with Tasmanian black truffle and japanese kombu.

SEE how big were the truffles...
wanna choke me izzit?
the smell of it from "their" plates were already choking me.
anyway Chef Thomas Mayr prepared something else for Monkey
japanese shrimps and chilli capellini.
lurve their bread but I can't take so much of carbs.
Truffled oxtail gelee, egg confit and lomo iberico...
my portion has less truffles.
This round Chef let us played with our food...
u are supposed to mix them till they turned into a soup.
JS's favourite Chambertin
extremely beautiful nose.
theme for the nite was...."Surprise miss Monkey!!"
salt baked bar de ligne, with champagne sauce and Oscietre caviar,

I forgot to inform Si Fu,
Ms Monkey also don't take caviar...
heheheheh sorry sir.
Si Fu bought a bottle fr Les Amis's cellar..
a 1972 Chambertin by Leroy.

Tracie didn't like this one.
the cork was still in good condition
36 years old!!!!!
the palate cut through perfectly with my main
pork, pear and girolle mushrooms.
nope...no pigeon for me!!!
the prices of wine shoot up like mad recently..
look at Henri Jayer...SGD 17,200 for 1985???

we'll wait for "someone" to win lottery to drink this.
our 3rd bottle of the nite...sauternes!!!!
dessert spoon!!! so pretty!!!!
just like a bimbo dumb blonde....it was difficult to use and served no purpose.
coconut souffle with passion fruit ice cream
Si Fu had some chocolate strawberries thingy coz he can't take coconut.
Tracie said I must have a pic of this bouquet!!
it's such envy that florist can just chuck flowers anyway they like it on a vase effortlessly and looked this pretty!!! That's why they are florist!!!
sweets, macaroon, canelle
YES!! Canele Patisserie is run by Les Amis Group.
is the chandelier fr Baccarat Crystal???
the exterior of Les Amis at Scotts
Si Fu, Monkey, Tracie, Tim
Tim = Randy's protege
Si Fu stood further fr Miss Soh coz he's still recovering fr chicken pox

Tracie: "Opssss, I touched you!!! Should I go and wash my hand now???"
before anyone can reply, she dashed to the washroom.

anyway as usual, dinner was awesome
tq Mr. JS
and the wines cost more than the dinner itself.
tq Mr. Yeow

Les Amis
1 Scotts Road,
#02-16 Shaw Centre,
Singapore 228208.
Tel: +65 6733 2225

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