Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Playing Indiana Jones in Cyprus

We woke up early,
had breakfast....packed our gears = camera + lens
put our lovely lunch in a nice basket
*I lurve picnics*
hopped into Dinos mobile
and picked up our Indiana Jones aka Mr. Sotiris aka famous archaeologist

"We gonna have Mr. Sotiris as our GUIDE?????"
"Yes Cherry!"
this was the 1st church we visited
*I forgot its GREEK name*
and Mr. Sotiris discovered it!!!
"How do u know where to start digging 1st? It's amazing!!!"
and Mr. Sotiris explained in any way he can for a silly like me to understand.
this is one of the largest dam in Cyprus...
it's so dry that the water level is soooo low.
this pic can be a nice wallpaper for my computer :)
we were at this site which was as old as the late BRONZE age!!!
that's like erm.....*counting fingers*
1550 BC - 1200 BC


means, now is 2008 + 1550 = 3558 years ago~~~~
Monkey picked up some clay that looked like broken pottery...
Mr. Sotiris: "That's a tool for them to cut. It dated back to bla bla bla bla"

"HAH!!! How do u know??????"
Mr. Sotiris: "Look at the shape and the compound of this piece."

Monkey was speechless.
Mr. Sotiris, can u pls go slow ...I got an F for my archaeology
after all the 1st round of heavy lesson,
I need my break...
here with Veeny
fresh apricots with jam and pickled fruits/vegetables.
Church of Dimios Stavros
discovered in 1178
we were so careful with its wooden door
just in case.
Mr. Sotiris opened it for us....
according to him, the door is not as old as the church
coz wood can't withstand erosion and time.

He is currently restoring this church under the UN fundings,
most of these monastery and churches are world heritage.
biggest key I've ever seen!!!

then moving on to one of my fav church...
but before that, need to get the KEY fr the key-keeper
this key is original and there's only one piece,
I hope they have spare.....hmmm just in case.
the window is so high...
I can't even reach!!!!
Mr. Sotiris explaining something very very important,
the history of christianity.
He also discovered this painting on the wall
*I forgot how many gazillion years old*

it tells the hierarchy of heaven and hell
well the bottom part is the HELL,
where u'll be tortured by demons and dark angels.
Mr. Sotiris is also restoring this church.
wow look at that!!!
it's gold!!!! so beautiful~~~~~
the chairs were so straight and stiff and narrow
so that u can't fall asleep during service!!!
hiak hiak hiak!!!!!!
we went to more monastery and more churches

Dinos: "I've never been to so many churches in a day."
Dinos listened soooOOoooooo carefully,
when Mr. Sotiris can't express himself in english,
he switched to GREEK
and I'll go -_-"
Picnic picnic picnic under the pine tree
yummy yum

and Veeny actually packed REAL fork + spoons with REAL plates
I hate those paper and plastic ones
Thanks Veeny!!!!
oh yes with REAL CUPS
after our picnic lunch,
alamak, this Monkey.
I wanna build a house on top of this mountain!!!!
this is so beautiful,
all the saints were painted in such a way that it looked like they were moving graciously as I turn and turn and turn to look up at the dome.
it's magical!!!!
erm an olive tree which is a few hundred years old
and it's still producing olives!!!!!
there were so many pics to post here
but I can only select some...

churches and monasteries in Cyprus were totally outta this world,
we have only visited a fraction of it..
more to come.
Well, maybe another trip.
All beautiful pics were taken *and stolen* fr Mr. JS

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