Monday, June 09, 2008

Dinner with the CEO

Yep we were the few privileged ones
to be invited to his home for a cozy home cook dinner.

I had a pleasant surprise when Nicole hush-hush-ly passed me the note:
"U are invited to Mr. CEO's home for dinner. Just the 4 of u."
and so at 6.30pm sharp,
a porche cayenne and a beamer sports came to pick us up.

Monkey to ah beng: "Wei, very pai seh leh. He came personally to pick us up. U sure no agenda for tonite?"

ah beng: ".............*gulped*...........u sure u didn't do anything wrong??"

>_< Mr CEO's home was just newly built,
3 storey green house bungalow.
yeah everything made fr glass = green house.
I can't imagine how it feels like during summer.
it was so spanking new that his infinity pool was not ready yet.
overlooking the lake and a vineyard

Wanto in the pic.
He was so mesmerised by its view.
Don't u get that in Jakarta?
ooooo Mr. CEO lurves red
red sofa set with red carpet!!!!
the "suspended" dining area on the 1st floor.

the garden outside was still so barren.
a living area on the ground floor
overlooking the garage.
and we had our starter of sun ripen tomato bruschetta
well Mr. CEO is Swiss-Italian

So can u imagine how happy my tummy was..
*I had enuff of french food. Yikes!!!*
and salamis!!!!!
Alison & Monkey
I was so happy that he opened a Pinot Noir...
nevermind it was 2006,
nevermind it was made in Switzerland...
JAV with Ophelia
she's turning 2 this year
and Ah Beng kept on hitting at her.

so it made sense she only remembers his name
and kept on running to "Arlex.....Arlex...."
Mr CEO better keep his lovely daughters away.
Mr. CEO cooked for us!!!!
I did not expect him to do that but he did.
*ah beng, u better take your hands off Ophelia*
ah beng said he's so in lurve with Ophelia.


Go and get your own daughter.
Mr. CEO, ah Beng, JAV and Amelia.
and we sat down like a big greek....erm Italian family and makan
carpacio of beef with aragula and parmesan
I think I've gone puffy and bloated over the cream and cheese in Moo-moo land
mascorpone cheese pasta with tomato based pasta

U'll be surprised at how light it was...
I almost had an heart attack when I saw cheese!!!!

who would have thought of using mascorpone for pasta??
I thought it's only for tiramisu.
I lurve their bread...
coz of their "hard water" which contain very high mineral in it.
*Calcium & Magnesium*
Monkey & Mik

Guess both of us enjoyed the meal the most.
hiak hiak hiak
and more chocolates after that~~~~~
and biscotti as well!!!!
Thank you Mr. CEO
sorry we messed around with your beautiful daughters and your home
*It's all alex ah beng's fault*

We'll lurved to visit your home again :)

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