Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Baby Jayden

Baby Jayden was born on 2nd June
via C-Section

from Mommy Connie's description,
it sounded like an easy birth.
sleeping peacefully~~~~
and we gathered at her home
after a busy weekday
drove all the way

amid a badly scaled map by Ms. Chan,
and the usual horrible KL jam.
yes we were supposed to be quiet
coz Baby Jayden was zzzZZzzzzz

but how to keep 6 ladies to be ladies???
so Baby Jayden woke up and looked for lai ma~~~~
Ass Kickin Vonne, Kindy Chai, Monkey
Kindy Chai came back fr San Diego
for WORK.

great timing as she got to attend Pei Pei's wedding
*which I had to give it a miss due to work - BMW Golf*
and visited Baby Jayden
Su San was playing with the RUBIK CUBE after dinner

being an IT wizard, she can solve any logics
according to her, there's even a logic to solve the RUBIK CUBE
*functional and logic programming?????*

but somehow it ended up like the above~~~~~
Kindy Chai & Ass Kickin Vonne
she said she's tired~~~
but nobody's tired when it comes to dessert
hiak hiak hiak
hmmm this got to be my favourite = cheese cake
Wow so many bottle of sweet rice wines
Mommy Connie, are u sure u can finish all???
u have two huge baskets of them!!!

u need help to finish em?
Baby Jayden went back to sleep after his "meal"
So look like Mommy Connie or Daddy Alex???
Su San the RUBIK CUBE destructor managed to put everything back together.

that's cheating rite?
so your logic is de-construct 1st
and assemble them accordingly to its colored face?

anyway for RUBIK CUBE fans,
you can read the solution *here*
yep all of us with cute Baby Jayden zzzZZZzzzz peacefully.

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