Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I was on national TV -_-"

Pei Pei texted me on Monday morning:
"Hey wat are u doin on NTV7?"

Gawd. It was an impromptu interview last week
while Monkey was attending "Woman of the Year Award"
*no, I was not nominated at all, wait for a few more years lar folks*

and on Tuesday morning, JS's family was asking:
"Is that Cherry on the TV this morning?"
"YES!!! It's her with her new hair style. :))))"

Why does the TV station had to stagger the interview?
can't they just humiliate me at one go??

they gonna feature bit by bit every single morning~~~
More to come every morning till this Friday.
*slapping my forehead*

but I love my mother :)))))))))))

*click here* to watch one of the segments


  1. hey, i'll feature you on TV anytime! safe trip to moo-moo land again. Try to go get them chocolats! yum yum~

  2. you looked good on tv dear
