Monday, April 14, 2008

Spring in Basel

Beautiful trees near my apartment,
Basel is really really a small town

near the border of *or should i say really really near*

of France & Germany.
It's so near that u can walk over.
at Claraplatz

this time around, the weather should be cool, crisp and lovely....
but this year....
it was hovering at 2 degrees centigrade with the occasional SNOW

I still recalled,
last year I was walking around town in my flip flop and summer dress.
anyway for the 1st time, we had a pre-meeting before the fair at Radisson Hotel
I can see how important my market was by the positioning of seats in the conference room.

Monkey looking around for her seat.
"Where is it where is it?"

Chris da boss standing in front waving at me
"over here!!!!"

"Wah anymore front ar??? First row!!!"
"Yep, just put it this way, our orders for the 1st quarter beat the rest."
"means I kenot sleep lar later???"
"whack your head. I don't send u here to sleep."
:P ok ok ok

In the end, guess who doze off??
definitely not me.
Ms. Whitherspoon said it's too glaring for her newly "lasered" eyes

yeah we were waiting for our tram to get to Swissotel for lunch
and trying hard to read the map
everything in German
-_- can die.
Sunil & Monkey

they said, moustache = sexy in India
ya KAR??
Cam whores -_-
Chris da boss & Alex ah beng

Alex ah beng: "I am cold....I am soooo cold."
Monkey trying to button up his jacket

apa nieee, why kenot button one??!?!?!?!?
Alex ah beng: "hehhehehe coz I alwiz buy one size smaller."
-_- x 10000000000

Alex ah beng: "I'll look nicer mar in fitted apparels."
-_- haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
since his shirts were all so tight and small,
Alex ah beng can only settle for salad.
Serious!!! he only had that for lunch.
White asparagus soup
Must alwiz try their white asparagus
in any form!!!!
rustic really rustic bread to go with the soup
U should go to their bakery as well
I lurve to stand outside and whiff the smell of fresly baked breads
asian wok noodle
definitely for ppl who can't take western food
I had grilled lamb with shoe string fries
with some white asparagus too...
can u see it in the pic???
Deepa & Monkey
she's stayed in Swissotel for the 1st time in Basel,

Booking is like 12 months ahead???

and believe me the hotel is not fantastic at all.
days prior to the fair is alwiz relax and fun
*which is like just ONE day*
U can take your time doin your own thing
I think ah beng's hair is getting too much
Alex ah beng: " I went to David Gan u know!!!!"
*prestigious celebrity hair stylist in Spore*

"Ok ok ok don't lar angry"

and Sunil with less hair each time I see him.
but his moustache still blooming like new ones.
Monkey & Ms. Whitherspoon
After lunch,
chris da boss & ah beng yanked me away for shopping.
MEN = shopping??
*this only applies to JS*

must be some agenda behind....

went to LV, Bally, Prada, Hermes.....
"I want to buy this for my wife...which one nicer?"

"Cherry cherry, I dunno which one to choose for my gf number one."

very farnie guys

and worse...we bumped into Jeremy, SK, Jack and the whole jing gang of men
"Good, cherry is here....u think my wife will like this one or that one???"

GAH leave me alone!!!!!

I tell u, these men are really lousy shoppers. Poor their wives/gfs.
anyway after that I went to ogle at....
tee hee hee
chocolate truffles!!!!!!
and more chocolates...

only ogled...why???
coz their shops closed at 6.30pm

Chris da boss: "Soli lor. Tonite I cook for u."

hmmmm....I missed JS's food so much.

but now that I am home :)))))
the kitchen never stops churning yummy food.

JS pinched my tummy.
"Fat already."
"hmmmmm, yes. Nvm eat first."

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