Thursday, March 06, 2008

Noble House

Got to be the food in HK,
that got me craving for more chinese food.

Last weekend.....too busy with I-forgot-wat
we didn't make our grand entrance into the kitchen
nor work up the stove.

just plain lazy to book anywhere to dine.....
nor think of wat to cook.

and we walked into Noble House just near our place.
Peanuts braised in imperial soy sauce,
I'm not a fanatic over nuts....
prefer their other munchies - fried lil toufu skin with marinated pickles.
but was not available on that particular day.
Grand cru baby!!
Notes: Blood
why???? it's by Morey St Denis...

I know u bought this for me,
Thank u :))))))))))))))))
we sat at table 1
and brought our own Riedel "O" glasses

Lurve these glasses so much coz it's such hassle to eat
esp with the chopstick goin around
*lots of accidents happen with wine decorating either someone's beautiful white top or the table linen*
Appetizer of:
- seared scallop wrapped in bacon with peppery mayo and deep fried cute lotus stem served on top of crunchy butter lettuce.
- springroll of crab meat & bamboo pith served with meat floss on top
- and lastly which U can't see in the pic, was a good portion of deep fried delicious soft shell crab.
charcoal grilled pork ribs with a sprinkle of herbs.
this was my favourite.
salted egg yolk prawns
next time I will ask them to tambah egg yolk.
anyway it's never enuff.
seafood fried rice with asparagus.
can't buy in the market vege
cheng loong choi
black sesame dumplings in gingery sweet concoction.
my sweet red dates "shuet kap"
yes, suddenly I am eating this diligently.

I got something new in my life.....
Roger Dubuis Golden Square with salmon dial
piece no. 27/28

my fav timepiece at the moment.
tq tq tq tq tq tq tq tq.

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