Monday, March 10, 2008

El Cerdo

El Cerdo = The Pig in spanish
the pig = me = monkey
coz I have such a good piggie life.
*if I am ever one, I wanna be kurobuta*

It rained heavily with the massive jam last Friday,
and Nee Lee was on the phone telling me she's on her way to meet me...

when I was still in the office punching numbers,
and finishing my Basel preparation.
*it was 7.10pm*

She was lost in KL while on her way home and thought of dropping by.

"U r still working? OMG!!! and WAT? u gonna work tmrw???? Poor Bee Ree"


yes poor me...but I lurve my work :))))
JS brought this baby for dinner.
a 23 year old beaucaillou

"Pls be careful, it's very old." to the waiter.
"woah, older than me" said the waiter.

JS & Prince C were stucked like forever in the jam,
out of desperation, they parked at Marriott
and walked tru the drizzle.....tru Jalan Alor,
to Changkat Bkt Bintang.

while Yours Truly, swinged to the next street fr her office,
into the valet parking of El Cerdo in under 2 mins.

but not so HAHA coz I have to wait for the boys.
started off with sweet melon & proscioutto fr Spain
but if it's fr Spain u don't call it proscioutto rite?
proscioutto = italian word for ham -_-
this was listed as most favourite by us
soft, tender, juicy pork shoulder served with special mustard sauce,
on a bed of potatoes and topped with crispy spring onions
with paprika as well.
and marinated for 48 hours.

oh yea....El Cerdo is all about pork.
their alio olio has very good taste
but the al dente-ness can die!!!!
next time, we will request for super al dente coz msians can't take it.
star dish on every table
roasted suckling pig!!!!

we only ordered half a piglet...coz can't possible finish them.
if it's only with skin, then Yours Truly can finish half herself.
but this one with its juicy meat.

Skin = thin and crispy
Meat = soft, juicy and tear without efforts.

Mind u,
they actually cut it with a nice white plate,
*this is the part I hated*

chop chop here and chop chop there.
ping pang ping pang.
then to the kitchen for more proper dissecting before presenting again for our consumption,
and the waiter will just break the white plate onto a bin.

What is that suppose to mean????
everyone's fav part...
cute hands!!!
or legs...watever...
served wif side salads
and roasted potatoes with its lard...
yes it was a heart choking meal.
Prince C & JS
the meal went very well with the bordeaux.

JS: "and you see the nose of this beaucaillou yada yada yada yada yada...."
Prince C: *busy drinking away*
JS: "He's ignoring me!!!"
Prince C: *still busy appreciating*
and for dessert my fav Weener's special
served on top of vanilla ice cream with a dollop of chocolate
and topped it up with tonnes of strawberries and raspberry sorbet.
JS had a rum & raisin crepes with rum & raisin ice cream
but they called it pancakes...coz crepes is so french.
Prince C had chocolate terrine,
very terrine-ny.
end the meal with a vodka shot.

Do book this place coz it's alwiz full and Chef mentioned that
they sell about 30 pigs each service (lunch or dinner)
that's like a min of 60 cute piglets each day.

El Cerdo
Nose to Tail Eating
43 & 45, Changkat Bkt Bintang,
50200 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 603 2145 0511


  1. What a lovely dinner you had. I should've thick-skinly joined you. hahahah.

  2. dunnit to be thick skin. U were invited...hehehe.

    Get a KL map in your car, so whenever u are lost...u can direct yourself to the restaurant of the nite. Not home. heheheh
