Monday, March 24, 2008

Congratulations Mee Mee & Teofu!!!

March 22nd......
yes it's Formula One Qualifying day,
but nothing is more important than Mee Mee's Registration of Marriage!!!!
Toufu Han Wei & Mee Mee awaiting their numbers,
just like applying for Identity Cards...all the couple got to queue and get their numbers.
*killed the romanticism only*
Mee Mee made her bouquet with LOVE
yes how often do you see a bride makes her own bouquet for her own wedding???

this shows Mee Mee has got high standard,
no florist in town can give her wat she wants...
*I don't want to be your wedding planner liao........hehehehe*
Mr. Part Time Joo & Shell Shell also came to register????

No, they are not goin out together AT ALL,
but they are officially the weekend/part time couple.
Mee Mee looked so HAPPY!!!
she couldn't sleep the nite before..
Look at her smiles!!!
made ppl envious only...
I think Toufu Han Wei still sleeping :P
Yes with daddy by her side :))))))

Mee Mee, Nee Lee, Bee Ree, Shell Shell
dress code was black and white,
so Nee Lee supposed to come as a pengi,
Monkey as a netherland dwarf rabbit,
and Shell Shell like a snow leopard
*pls refer (fluff) friends Facebook*
Mee Mee and her friend
sorry I forgot your name. :P
holding hands :))))))) so sweet :))))))
I didn't know Toufu Han Wei is so tall,
here with Mee Mee's friends from Ernst & Young
Mr. Part Time Joo, Monkey & Shell Shell
while waiting for Mee Mee & Toufu's turn to register,
we cam-whored like nobody's business.

Totally RSSYT
= really sat sai yee thai
then all of us were ushered into a private room
for the ceremony to begin.....
Look at her "hang fook" face,
her smiles were plastered onto her face the whole day.
your jaw not sakit meh???
"Daddy daddy, make sure u sign on the right column okay....did u bring your IC???"

Mee Mee signing the papers!!!!!
what are u peeping at???
ooooooo Toufu Han Wei is a lefthander.
and then the daddies followed suit.
with all the cameras flashing like paparazzis.
Look at Mee Mee's face!!!!
What's with the expression???

"Do you Mr. Teofu take Ms Mee Mee to be your wife to have and to hold this day forward, for better or for worse.......yada yada yada"
*sorry, I don't understand mandarin*
Toufu Han Wei: "Wo yuan yi"

walauuuu, after he said that, the million dollar smile came on Mee Mee's face!!!!
All of us almost melted onto the floor.
Mee Mee is sooooo beautiful in her specially designed dress
designer = Mee Mee herself....
u can open shop liao
flowers + wedding dress.
hmmm before I comment on the above pic,
where's the part "U may now kiss the bride?!?!?!??!"
Mee Mee is now officially Mrs. Teo

Dear all the hunky guys out there, I am so sorry for you..
and Toufu, u are such a lucky man ok!!
Pls take care of Mee Mee ya!!!
or all of us gonna throw toufus at u!!!

Mee Mee putting on the ring unto Mr. Teo
both of them were so shy..........and sweet
one more!!!
they had to do everything in super slow motion
for all the paparazzis to snap pics.
by the time we came out,
it's no. 15 & 16 already...

Quick go buy number..
22nd March and Mee Mee's number was 9.
Nee Lee, Bee Ree, Shell Shell
there were shops selling knick knacks,
so many tourists around!!!
Nee Lee & Tam Chiak

Tam Chiak, u were the only one wearing purple!!!!

we super camwhored again while waiting for the lawyers to sign more papers!!!
we climbed up to the seventh heaven (???)
to get more pics at the temple.

Mee Mee and her family!!!!
missing another sister who's in Moscow.

Toufu and his family!!!!
with us!!!!! the chee muis
*yes incl Mr. Part Time Joo*

Mr. Part Time Joo, Mee Mee, Toufu, Tam Chiak
with Mee Mee's Ernst & Young friends
Shell Shell, Bee Ree, Nee Lee
so smart!!! just like a groom!!!!
Thean Hou is such a beautiful temple
lanterns everywhere!!!
one more shot for all the chee muis!!!
*what is that lil boy doin there? Some other visitor's punya son*
Pic stolen fr Nee Lee

very well composed pic with the background
and of coz beautiful bride and groom.

Mee Mee: "Are u gals ready???? Take your place pls!!!!"
yes all of us stood at the side,
Note the two camwhores there really stood out fr the rest.
berposing-posing tak habis habis.
after much coaxing, all the single and maybe-not-available ladies took their place
Nee Lee was documenting the process on the right!!!

Note: Shell shell was standing in front of me. -_- The moment Mee Mee threw her bouquet sky high.....
Shell Shell: "U stand in front, u stand in front."


apa ini???
Look at the face

Dear Shell Shell,
Do u know that the bouquet was meant for u?
Mee Mee practiced it perfectly to throw it to u!!!

okie lar, I damn layan man.
very nice place to hold weddings.
I was trying to snap this ferocious dragon when Nee Lee was shaking her ass in front of me

and gave me this sexay red carpet arrival pose
change your profile pic to this one ya!!!
I like this pic a lot!!!!
more pics with the bride!!!
the middle eastern gal in red was a tourist!!

see u memang superstar man!!!
everyone wanna snap pics with u.
took 5 mins for Toufu to kiss the bride,
confirmed damn shy.
tee hee hee.

come we teach u how.
Nee Lee, Bee Ree, Shell Shell

Bee Ree & Mrs Cherry aka Part Time Joo whom were married for 2 hours.

thanks to Nee Lee & Tam Chiak,
*Nee Lee clapping while Tam Chiak congratulating us*

tourists thought we were the bride + groom.
hai....sigh -_- x 1000

Nee Lee & Tam Chiak memang berkerjasama like husband like wife
we were so tired fr the entire process and crashed into Secret Recipe @ Mid Valley
for brunch
Mr. Part Time Joo whom I divorced said he's tired too.
Tam Chiak was still fresh like daisies.

Nee Lee had chocolate indulgence
me and my shepherd pie
Mr. Part Time Joo had black pepper pie
Shell Shell was daring enuff to eat Singapore laksa in her white dress
Gordon Bleu chicken was Tam Chiak's meal
we were not happy coz the food was only so-so
hence the senget mouths

Mee Mee, we wished u were there with us
Many many congratulations to u...
Mr. Part Time Joo oso wanna give u a kiss!!!!
Tam Chiak was so so so so afraid with that killer kiss fr Joo.
Watermelon slush, Ice lemon tea slush and green apple kasturi
just like traffic lights.
good luck to u all for your treasure hunt this saturday!!!
Pretty Crash Dummies - wat a name!!!!
and yes do let us know the dress code for your wedding
we need to start shopping now.
Mee Mee's bouquet sitting pretty in my vase

when JS opened the door for me at home,

JS: "Oh great!!! U got flowers for dinner tonite."

Monkey: "-_- yes I did. U won't wanna know how I got it."

Congratulations again Mee Mee & Toufu Han Wei
we can't wait for August 31st to come!!!


  1. It was a rather fun 2 hours of marriage ahahhahaha.

    We both look good together wut :P

  2. This is the best ROM I've attended so far, despite all of us habis-habis RSSYT. We even had surprise marriage between Joo & Shell and Joo & Bee Ree as well :P

    Congrats Mee Mee and Tofukina!

  3. Yen Ching! Congrats on the bouquet catch...that means 'something'..
    haha :P

  4. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Thank you again boys and girls for coming! and thank beeree for this sweet pose. I hope you will love the FLOWERS!!!

    I am glad u guys enjoyed urselves!!! Thanks for the dresscode too! It made Joo TASTED having 2 wives at the same time. You are so smart for dressing in groom-style. hehehe

    Please reserve 31/8 and 1/9 this year! mUAKSSS

    Mee Mee

  5. Joo: Oh yep, we looked great!!!

    Nee Lee: We are confirmed RSSYT Queens.

    Kindy Chai: Yes it means that I saved the bouquet fr landing on the floor. :)

    Mee Mee: Congrats again!!!had so much fun and promised that we won't be so RSSYT again. Nanti your in-laws ban us.
