Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Reunion Dinner with Convenites

Monkey rushed down fr hilltop Genting Highlands,
to attend this ever important once a year dinner
with my schoolmates.

We had this reunion dinner since 98,
started with one table...and now it's fast expanding
with "the other half", hubbies and kids on the way.
Monkey & beloved best friend YM who's gonna be....
no no no.......not married but with a doctorate soon!!!
hehehehe.....Dr. Low!!!

So if I ever gonna pursue my Masters,
pls pls pls....tutor me for my thesis!!!!
hiak hiak hiak.
Come to think of it...why don't u be my supervisor/tutor??
Nobody knows rite????
Melissa da Lawyer, Kelly LKK, Monkey, Best friend YM, SHui and Kindy Sheryl standing
Back: (L-R) Gonna be married Pei Pei T, Loose aka Alex, SMei, SLing, SHui.(all the SssSSsss)
Seated: (L-R) Melissa da Lawyer, Kelly LKK, Monkey, Best friend YM, Kindy Chai.
SLeng & Monkey
SLeng & fiance
Ladies kindly mark your cal,
6th Sept - Sban's reception
14th Sept - wedding procession to pick up bride + reception @ Malacca
fellow blogger Amy the Guan
Thank you for the ang pow(s)
such joy receiving ang pows.
U missed it?
me taking pic of Kindy Sheryl taking pic of me!!!!
She's using Canon EOS....
while Kindy Chai tempted to get a Nikon.
Kindy Chai & me
yep so good to be in touch with my friends fr kindergarten.
and it's time to lou hei!!!!
when lou hei must make good wishes for the year,
and make sure you lou the highest!!!
Winnie, Li-Ann, Pei Pei gasped in surprise when Melissa da Lawyer wished for:

"6 months bonus!!!!"

"Yes can....go to oil & gas industry. Only in upstream ya that is working at the rigs!!!"

do they need lawyers there?
But they sure need some females. Wwahahahahaha.

Serena T. Mei Hua *I like Mei Hua*, Camelina & fiance
another saman in October....
let me know the dates ya!!!
Monkey & Babyeclipse
She was @ Genting too but we didn't catch up.
Babyeclipse & Charming Andrew
we went to Sydney in 06,
London in 07...
tell me wat's the destination for 08????

Egypt is no longer in my list......
*read about dinner with Babyeclipse in London here*
with SLing & Kindy Chai
Thank you Loose aka Alex for organizing
everyone!!!! :)))))))))))))))
after the chatty scrumptious dinner,
everyone hopped over to SLeng's home and.......
gamble lor!!!
Future tai-tais teaching monkey how to play mahjong,
I better master my card games 1st....
SLeng's beautiful golden retriever - Lucky
SHui & Kindy Chai with Lucky
don't ever touch his tennis ball.....
and don't say I didn't warn ya!!
Monkey & Kindy Chai
hey I'm gonna miss u,
JS abandoned the plan to go to San Diego this summer
for the US Open at Torrey Pines.

U take care there yea....in the land of ang moh,
Hope to catch up with u again this week,
and of coz Sept when u are back for SLeng's wedding.

Cheers ppl!!!
and so nice to meet all of u again.

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