Sunday, February 03, 2008

Buang Sial Nite

Chinese New Year is around the corner,
and for most chinese,
it's time for new beginning,
new inspiration, new goals,
new wealth coming in and more new things to come
in their life.

Hence the spring cleaning,
the new clothes, new car,
new shoes, new so-man- other-things.

and for me,
it was made easier.......or should I say
I was forced into the bandwagon of making a lot of things new in my life lately.

behold everyone.............

I lost my:
1) Identity card
2) Driving licence
3) credit cards
4) my 4 month old Nokia 6300
5) my precious video camera
6) beautiful red satin clutch

while clubbing at Poppy.
-_- x 1000

Wat can I say?
1 min it was there,
and next some bugger took it.
without anyone on the table noticed.

out of all the bags on the couch plus one giant Nikon SLR,
they chose my clutch.

so there goes my beautiful pics taken on the vid cam.

B! if u want me to blog about the party,
pls send me all the pics in your Nikon SLR.
and so JS got me another camera in less than 24 hours,
to ease the pain.
*thank u baby, muaks*

Sony T200
RM 1,599 excl memory stick
it comes in 5 colours
black, pearl, silver, pink and of coz RED.

CNY mar...must get everything in RED.
yeap, I also got a RED open toe pump from Aldo RM 372
LV Heart coin purse in raspberry with charm. (limited ed)
also available in other colour.
the red one?? (pomme d'amour)
will definitely get it.

Yes RED col to buang sial


  1. Poor Bee Ree! On a positive note, there's the Chinese saying "old ones don't go, new ones can't come". Does not apply for IC/driver's license though. :P

  2. C! B doesnt use Nikons! That belongs to A! Hehe. The pics are on Facebook. GoGoGo!!

  3. Nee Lee: U r so right man!!! But :))) I have new nice pics on my IC and driving licence!!! So pretty!!!

    B!: hey so which cam u using? me old already, forgot. Anyway I've got it all fr Martian already. Txs.

  4. canon bebehhhh...

  5. whoppppssssssssss :)
