Monday, January 28, 2008

RCC Challenge At Gurney Mall by BHPetrol

RCC = Remote Control Car
It's every boy's fav toy
and some men as well.
and last Friday I flew to Penang to be a slave to Mr. JS and Orange Station.
but heck...
it turned out to be so fun!!!!

Mr. JS and his team
JS, Edmund, Andrew, Suan Ling, Faridah, Yip
First thing I did.....checked the itinerary for the day.
10am - 10pm
this is gonna be a loooOOoooooonnng day.
As early as 9.45am....ppl already thronged the place
and the queue was long.
well the final winning prize is a wholesome RM 30,000 hence the enthusiasm.
Parents, kids, and kids-wannabe were queue-ing up for the registration.
The queue went all the way out of the booth!!
Silver Lightning, Black Mamba, Mr. Furious & Speed Demon.
The Black team, Mr. JS and his slave
The track ain't easy.
with all the sharp turning...
this is sooooooo much harder than the Sepang Circuit.
while waiting for the race to begin,
there's some other games to occupy the kids.
Solve the puzzles!!!

I find the parents are more into it than the kids....
"No.....this one!!"
"Over here!!!"
"Like this like that."
"Put that over there!!!!!"

Chill....let the kids enjoy the game lar!!!
BHPetrol gals
and then the race begins!!!

Vroom vroom!!!
All participants were given a black shirt,
well if u don't win...u still get the shirt!!
there were hundreds of participants....
check the board to see who will u go head to head with in the next round.
U'll be amazed at the participants....
they are good....
very good I must say.
me quenching my thirst with this yummy apple drink!!!
it was a scorching hot day with the sea just beside us...
and all of us wearing a very clever colour for a hot day like this
Mr. JS presenting the prizes.
3rd prize winner with RM 500

and he'll get to go to KL next for the final round to win RM 30,000
in cash
OMG....he's so tiny!!!
2nd prize winner with RM 1,000
they called him "Chicken Little"

I think he's only 7.
JS u don't bully him kay!!
and lastly the Champion for the Northern Region with winning prize of RM 2,000
all these young lads can drive so fast
is that supposed to be a good thing...or erm.....the other way??

well kids,
just be furious with your remote control car but not with your dad's cars kay?
Later on......the cute furious speed demon cars were on sale at RM 19.90 each
*what a bargain!!*
it comes with free batteries
*double bargain*

and I tell ya, you better hurry and grab one or all four at your nearest BHPetrol station,
before it runs out.
*only with every petrol purchase of RM 30*

For the final round of the competition,
it will be held at The Curve
2nd February 2008.

coz I'll be
*I wanna see which chicken little wins that RM 30k cash*

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