Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Gurney Drive

Ong Ling, Monkey & Suan Ling
the wife and the gfs of the clan.

We were all prep up for dinner.
Poor us!! stood under the scorching hot weather for RCC,
dehydrated, tanned, and our poor feet :(

okie I missed the part where we sneaked out to do a lil bit of shopping @ Gurney Plaza
worked so hard, had to reward ourselves.
Mr. JS got us some farnie looking seashells for starter.
I dunno what do u call these!!!
but it's sure tasty,
with a lemon grass belacan dip
Penang Rojak

Since the ladies were having sore feet
fr standing and shopping,
the guys were despatched to buy food

Edmund was still sitting beside me when orders were given by yours truly to buy yummy food.

"Since when u are a gal?"
"....................*smiled sheepishly*....................."
"Go and get FOOD!!!"
"I dunno what to eat."
"But we want to EAT!!! Go and get something...anything!!!"

When the above conversation ended, on the dot.
Yip came back hugging 4 plates of rojak already.

Ed, u are super inefficient.
While Andrew came with 3 plates of Penang Char Kuey Teow RM 8
with super huge prawns on top!!
Yeah it's really really big
I dunno whether we were eating a prawn dish or char kuey teow
but it's sure yummy!!!

If u want prawns the above size,
do inform the stall vendor,
*add big prawns*
otherwise u don't get prawns....more like shrimps at RM 3.50
JS got me my favourite hi cholesterol heart choking life shortening/threatening super crispy can die deep fried chicken SKIN!!!

and plus some other peripherals.
well to enjoy the best Lo Bak...must go to Penang!!!
Sotong Kangkung
I dunno this dish originated fr Penang or Malacca.
and then my main course arrived
fully loaded with fish + yummy prawn paste was my penang asam laksa
one bowl ain't enuff

Edmund: "Wah!!! U can reaaalllly eat ar!!"
mimicking KFC XXL Burger ad

well same same, since u r not doin that bad either.
We finished off with dessert - Mua Chee
this one with deep fried shallots
so it's a savory mua chee
me no likey!
CNY is just around the corner,
I better watch my food intake.

Sigh, my 3rd lou sang by far would be tonite.
*stare down at my tummy*

Pls serve me indian food or middle eastern or fusion
I am sick of chinese food already.


  1. ini orang ar... complain about having too much to eat kah? time to give you a lecture on the starving african children! :P

  2. ho chiak ho chiak!!!
