Friday, November 02, 2007

One year is too long and yet too short

1st November marked my one year anniversary,
dedicating my social life and watever life I'm still left with,
to this amazing company.

I've planned to celebrate it,
but guess as usual....I am just too ambitious.
with the current workload and under-staff situation,
the idea came and went.
This is such a young company,
with its young team.
well maybe minus Sunil & Chris da boss.

I found love, tears, hope and most of all
the essence of life in them.

I was a self-centered person,
and of coz still am....
*will alwiz be*
and I am glad they made me more human.
In this organization,
I also found ppl whom can take my shit,
and yet be so neutral to me.

Treating me fair and never take it personal.
Thank u Jacky.
*believe me, if it's another lady out there, she'll make me bleed*
There are also ppl where
we'll never learn each other's indifference,
nor appreciate each other.

somehow it's either you or me,
and the choice was apparent that you have to go.
I am glad that we make better friends than colleagues.

Thank you for the friendship Cheong,
and of coz u still owe me "char siew" rice.
it is with this company,
that I got to travel to places....
which I'll never go on my own.

either it's too expensive or too uninteresting.
*oh New Delhi here I come*
*shake head left right left right and now where's the tree???*
Love it,
Hate it,
It's all in a day's work.

I've learnt that nobody is like me,
who can work like me,
strategize like me,
negotiate like me,
manipulate like me..
and of coz bitch like me.

Most important of all,
I have found treasure in this company,
where money can't buy.

It's family and love.
Nee Lee drew this for me,
it's her perception of me and my job...
alwiz having champagne and caviar.

Thanks Nee Lee,
Lurve every bit of it
and u even used my fav color - fuchsia *no such color in blogspot*

It sure looks like an evil Monkey.
and most of all....
with that frowney


  1. all my UGLY art are being glorified in your blog.... *abashed*

    happy anniversary bee ree. you do such great things for your company :)

  2. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Such a great person, contribute and sacrifice so much for ones work, definitely not easy to come by. Look fwd to the next year? hehhe

  3. Nee Lee: all you art are not ugly ok!!! and tq for the well wishes.

    Chai: I think you worked harder than me. I think all the qualities in you are the ones I am looking for. :)
