Thursday, November 15, 2007

My chaotic life

This so called organized Ms. Organizer aka monkey
can't organize her personal life at all.

*yes JS manage my finances and expenses, send my baju to laundrette, service my car, handle the maids, kau thim my dinner and all my other meals, my supplements, my groceries, etc*
*so ashamed of myself but I pump petrol myself....hehehehehe*

After much thinking,
I believed all my time gone into organizing things at work,
that I brushed my personal life aside.
*another round of interviews with candidates*
I'll be standing at Piccadilly Circus in 3 weeks time...
and my itinerary is like....erm
still a blank page.

My achievement so far was to get the flight tixs
*yaaaa I got whooping discount. Normal price 22k, it's now only 10k per person*
and changed my hotel from Thistle Charing Cross to a cozy apartment nearby.
I'll be there for 12 dayz....hotel is just too exp!!

BabyEclipse had been sharing lotsa details with me,
I think I am so laggin behind now.

My gawwwwdddd, all my restaurants.. yet to book..
*run around room in panic*
remember when I told u that chef table needs 6 mths in advance??
Now i think not even a corner left for this monkey!!!!

hope I'll be able to give u my itinerary by this erm....
next week k?
*procrastinate procrastinate procrastinate*

I'll let u know if I can book Gordon Ramsay for lunch.
Dinner confirmed all taken up.
I must, I will, I can, I HAVE TO !!!!!

Ladies who wanna tumpang my shopping list,
kindly drop me an email at
let me know the SKU number + price + col + size + brand *of coz*

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