Wednesday, November 28, 2007


One blink of an eye,
you are 2X.

One breath taken and we've known each other for
*counting fingers*
9 freaking years......

from Basketball to McGrill
*case study for principles of marketing in case u can't remember!!!*

Unihostel to Cyberjaya,

Seremban to Seremban....hahahaha
u still looked like 1x when I 1st met u.
*sorry, age is very sensitive in this post*
Truly sorry for your 2x birthday organization
for I got the year wrong....all bcoz of the date!!!!
but age is just a number isn't it dearie????

To the only straight As 4.0 student,
and now a very important person as well,
an ambassador and commissioner for Msia....
*how come u dun have a british accent???*

Merry Happy 2X Birthday to you!!!
and yeah I'm waiting for your saman....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Hey, i was browsing around randomly looking at people's blog that's when i saw someone that i had known.

    Chan Lu Ai's photo! kinda long hair oredi, i used to remember her as that awesome short-hair gal. we were classmate back in KGV during SPM.

    if you happen to see her, please send my best. although i doubt she'd remember me back then.


