Monday, October 08, 2007

Philips Pro Juicer

Last month,
Prince C gave us a surprise at our doorstep,
with a JUICER as big as my Monkey head. How Sweet!!!
it's fuss free and easy to use.

The reason(s) he's giving ME this was:
1) I think you are getting fat
2) I think you should lose some weight
3) I think you should wake up 30 minutes earlier every morning
4) I think the way to a man's heart is tru his stomach, since u can't cook well
5) I think your complexion is at its worst.
Frowney edited by Nee Lee

This is the face which I've been using frequently online and offline,
to show my discomfort, agitation, frustration, giving up, dowan to listen,
by the way it looked soooooo like me.
Thank you Yahoo Messenger.

I THINK I am drinking it everyday for health sake,
Carrots, pineapples, celery, beetroot, apples, cucumber...

My favourite still got to be:
4 green apples + 1/2 pineapple = 2 glasses of yummy refreshing d'lish juice.

I have a feeling that the next time Prince C shows up,
he's gonna give me a huge box of apples....hundreds of it.
coz he's been complaining that "I AM STOPID"
to buy 6 apples at RM 6.99 *Isetan*
where else he got his 120 apples at RM 70 *Ipoh Price*

since u are buying,
I need lotsa sweet pineapples as well.
Thank you.

JS will complain if there isn't any fruit juice early in the morning,
1) I am still zzzZZZZzzzz
2) I forgot to buy fruits
well, usually it's 1)...I'm sure all of you know. -_-
coz JS does groceries and he will never forget his FRUITS!!!!

I am lousy at taking care of other people.
Period. Full Stop.

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