Thursday, October 25, 2007

I'm a BRO

Alex scratching his spiky hair,
coz it took so much of a trouble to fetch me to town,
in his cute RED RENAULT.

Took out his golf bag,
his golf shoes,
his drivers,

so many things...then wat do u put in the boot???

All the efforts in order to put one fat Monkey like me at the back.
anyway thank u Alex....for accommodating me and my monkey behaviors.
all the time :)...hehehe

"Cherry, next time u stay with me at Basel can or not?"
" -_-......I dowan!!!"

"U dun stay with Ms. Whitherspoon!!"
"I know we are very good friends like brothers...but can u pls treat me like a girl sometimes?"

"heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, u are my bro mar."
When I reached my hotel,
fr the balcony.....the view is a concrete jungle..
made me even more stressed!!!
at times...I just wanna see more green and blue than stainless steel and glass.
and I took a cab to Boat Quay to see JS,
Guests of hotels usually get the privilege at the cab stand...
well not in Malaysia though.
JS's fav squid ink risotto,
Chef Leonard will make this for him all the time.
Seared scallop on a soft stewed daikon,
I dun like scallops but daikon is my favourite.

Ppl been asking wat is daikon....
it's carrot? but white in color???
daikon is the japanese word but wat do u call it in english?
my fav berkshire pork.
spring lamb with rockets and apple salad,
just too much for me.....
JS has a collection of wines in their cellar,
normally he'll spend sometime before dinner to select wines for the nite.

this bottle with a beautiful nose - floral
Leonard is a self taught chef,
he commands his team like a General.
Moomba is usually full for lunch with the corporate crowd.

JS wanna install one of those halogen lamp in our future kitchen,
restaurants use them to maintain the heat in the food...or watever.
So hot that it burns my hand.
U can practically cook an egg under it.
monkey still in her working shirt.
Not to forget the most important course of any dinner....desserts.
This is new and not on the menu yet,

In house creamy vanilla ice cream served on a based of...
ecstatic WARM creamy runny yummy dark chocolate~~~~~

fat fat fat fat fat
but first...hehehehe

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