Friday, October 19, 2007

DeLUXE Singapore

Event was OK,
just that I made such big fuss.
well that's the way I am.

"WAT?? I am the sponsor and I have to register to get in???
*doesn't make sense rite?*

"I'm so sorry m'aam. It's for security purpose."
"I'm in a rush now. Can u make this quick?"

and since I WAS THE SPONSOR,
OF COZ I didn't bring my invitation card and that means...
no entry for me.
Anyway I bising till the event organiser Miss Italy who speaks french came to me...

"ooOoooooooo, ccccchheeeeerrrrrr reeeeeee. aaaaAaahhh You must come in. Sil vous plait."

Monkey growling and grumbling.
"Miss Italy who speaks French, this is the 1st time I was stopped fr walking into an event. Wat is this?"

"Ooooh! I. Am. terrrrrribly sorry. Please allow me to bring you in."
Earth, Wind & Fire performing.....
Party Crasher Monkey & Ms Whitherspoon
Too busy to blog today,
and wat the fark am I doin now???

weekend is here.
Glad. Great. Thankful. Frus. Angry.
Must be PMS.

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