Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Ponteng with Lisa & B!

Can't called it ponteng though,
we worked so hard....
and walked so far.
*yes my car walked*

from Raja Chulan to KLCC to Bkt Bintang to Sultan Ismail.
and spent the whole day absorbing
as much infos as possible.
our "California Pizza"
which looked like a salad pizza.

B! ordered it.....
and he was craving for meat.
While Lisa ordered an excellent Thai pasta.
Lurve eating with these two....
coz they never let anything edible on the table go,
esp B! and his sugar.

SUGAR.....oh honey honey...
u are my candy gal...
u got me wanting you~~~~~~~

I wanna watch ARCHIE now!!!!!!
and Monkey ordered this choco sundae,
which took 30 minutes to prepare,
and 3 mins to consume.

We got B! to filter all the fresh cream away.
Bandaraya B! *DBKL*
Thanks mate.
and Lisa took the cherry on the icing.
B! taking pic of Monkey taking his pic.
Cut down on the sugar dude!!!
Monkey & Lisa
and we actually let the goin-to-be-professional-BONNO
snapping our pics while we chat.
Berry Bryzzzz, Icelandic Lemon, Hot Iced Passion
I guess the choice of drinks truly matched our personality
Lisa = Hot Iced Passion = Hot and Icy and yet passionate
B! = Berry Bryzzzz = the reason he ordered it bcoz it's his NAME!!!!
Monkey = Icelandic Lemon = yes beware I am COLD and Acidic!!!
When are u gonna send me all my pics???

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