Friday, August 24, 2007

Live to EAT

Prawn fritters with wasabi mayo
Monkey usually look fwd to dinners esp on Fridays.
whereby I'll secure my reservation by noon,
go home early...
pick something nice to wear...
yada yada yada
hors d'ouvres
look at the heart fainting foie grais.....I hate it!!
I'm looking forward to tonite's dinner,
though have yet to decide where to eat,

by the way I haven't been seeing JS for so many dayz already.
due to commitments at work,
What to do...both of us signed contract mati with our careers.

Just lookin fwd to end of the month trip...
and next month's makan trip.
maine lobster in wine sauce
Thank God that JS is as workaholic as me,
being so supportive and helpful in my career,
*he's an expert in my line of biz*
otherwise any sane boyfriend would have dumped me,
Barbaresco is as elegant as any french burgs
so the million dollar question...
"Where to makan tonite????"
Almond Crepes with wild cherries and kirsch
hey folks..
u guys can also suggest any interesting place to dine/makan/whack in KL,
I do makan anything and everything.

so...wattoeat wattoeat wattoeat????
Jap again?
Chef's Salad at Nippon Tei, KLCC
I had Jap with Overdose Kenny on Wed,
and caught a great movie too!!
Evan Almighty
go watch it ppl!!!
Pic stolen fr Nee Lee
I am in the process to be the above,
Nee Lee drew it to honour Mr. Joo.

How come you didn't draw a Monkey Fish???

wattoeat wattoeat watteat wattoeat???


  1. so many nice pics of nice food and suddenly... that ugly fat fish! hahahahahahahah

  2. don't be jealous :P

  3. Nee Lee: U can't say it's ugly. It's Joo's fish. BTW, it's a Santa Joo Fish. Tee hee hee.

    Joo: Memang pun dah jeles.
