Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Noble House, Jalan Delima

"Nee Lee, how come your fish got ginger one?"
"You do use ginger and mushroom to steam your fish rite?"

hmmm true oso,
Now I know why the heck is the yellow pokka dot thing doin there.
okie, Tuesday Fish looking better compared to Monday.
Geoduck, RM 138
It's some shell fish fr Japan.

When the captain recommended us...
instantly I told her no...I dowan duck.

"It's not a duck baby."
Captain: "Yes it's not a duck, it's a bla bla bla bla bla"

eeeeee, shy-nye.
then who the fark gave it a duckie name????
This is a very nice starter,
I dunno what is it called...
Just tell them u want the 3-thing-starter
scallop wrapped in bacon,
deep fried until crisp can die,
drizzle with peppery mayo.

oooooo, sedap until can die man!!
the other one was some other seafood wrapped in phyllo pastry,
deep-fried and topped with yummy meat floss.

the one in the middle is a prawn with mango mayo.
I forgot to tell that:
Next a yummy beef cooked in wine...
served with mustard..

U see the taste is very different.
It has the "wok hei" (fire and taste fr a fiery chinese wok)
by the way, it is still medium rare on the inside.
cool eh?
"Siu Loong Choi"
dunno wat do u call in english nor bahasa.

This vege is a mix of chives and spring onions
minus the strong onion taste.
Only 2 places in KL serve this at the moment,
Spring Garden in KLCC and Noble House.
*if u know of any other rest serving this, TELL ME!!!*

This one cooked with chicken lard...
crispy porkie

I saw next table was having it,
and temptation ran high.

"I want that."
"Baby, you still have a bowl of asparagus fried rice there."
"I want that."
"Ok" *give up and signaled to the Captain*

Their porkie got no pork smell.
and not greasy at all.

The best thing was,
they served it with mustard....
wahhhh, my fav!!!

I usually dine at Noble House,
coz it's just downstairs my condo,
esp when we are too lazy to step foot into the kitchen,
or when our fridge is just full of alcos instead of real food!!

Noble House,
Jalan Delima,
55100 Kuala Lumpur.
603 2145 8822

oh yea!! the most important thing:
IT's FREE!!!

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