Wednesday, July 25, 2007

"Hi this is WWW, the HR manager of BBB."
"I am calling to do a reference check on LLL."

Do you people dread HR calling your previous employer,
to check on you?

esp when you are striving hard for that job,
or aced well during the interview,
but the final evaluation may still be
influenced by your ex-employer??

anyway back to the conversation above,
some BBB company called,
to check on an ex-staff...

hey, this monkey had only sold her soul,
to this current company for 9 months,
hence I am not qualified to evaluate past employees.

so the call was transferred to Chris da Boss.

after the long conversation,
he called me in for a lecture.

"LLL is in jail now liable for some misconduct."

OMG, I can't imagine my own company sending me to jail.

"So moral of the story is, please be aware of what you are doing."
"Boss, fr this second onwards, I ain't gonna put my signature on any papers bearing the company's logo, that's my moral of the story...hehehehe."


"NO!!! YOU MUST!!! You must share my burden and responsibilities!!!"
"No no no are the share your own burden with yourself."

"You must learn how to be a boss."
"No thank u, I don't want to be a boss. I will go and check my employment of contract this instant on any indemnity and liability. Heheheheheh."

Boss cursed me for being a chicken shit.
cute cuddly soft fat wombat!!!
What do u expect?
I only know how to eat and gain weight.

Wombats don't lead in packs,
the smell of food will lead them to survival.

Now where's my latte?

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