Monday, June 25, 2007

Penang Ho Chiak!!

Monkey made a pit stop to Penang for a nite,
before heading to the island with my surname in it.
Mission: makan!!
crashed into the hotel in Jambul Hill,
with 18 holes green below me.
1st destination: Gurney Drive
Penang fruit Rojak RM 4
It's loaded with yummy prawn paste and pounded peanuts,
and loads of mango!!!
U can easily spot the Rojak stall,
by its beautiful drapes of mangoes.
Penang "Lo Bak" RM 13.40
I took some crispy yummy "thang"
that looked like crispy crunchy toufu skin,
but then it was ....
crispy yummy superlicious hi cholesterol peppery chicken skin!!!!
Just choose wat u want fr the stall...
the bugger will deep fry everything,
and serve with satay and chili sauce.
Now comes my first course,
Heavenly Oyster Omelette RM 4
I wished I have space to accommodate another portion.
but....I have yet to have my main course!!
My favourite!!!!
Penang Laksa RM 3.50
Best of the best!!!
dunno which stall to go to?
just follow the crowd and queue at the stall with the loooOOOooooongest line

The soup was loaded with fish, galangal,
bunga kantan, mint leaves...and of coz prawn paste!!!
2nd main course...
Penang Fried Kuey Teow RM 6

It was good but can't be compared with the one at Jalan Alor.
*they've just shifted to dunno where....whoever knows pls tell me*
I like my kuey teow burnt and caramelised...not white as farang like this!!
Penang TeoChew Cendol RM 2,
comes with soft sweet huge red beans, gula melaka,
and fresh coconut milk.
best "Muar Chee" in the world RM 2,
it was soft and warm like ...urm...*no words to describe*
with generous helping of pounded peanuts and sugar.
yep, all mine and mine...
by this time, I almost gonna puke!!

JS had only a small bowl of ABC and fried kuey teow...
I enjoyed my food and take it slow.
in fact, I have yet to try...
the famous tau foo fah with longans on top,
Penang grilled fish,
tuk tuk noodle....
yep we ate for a fine 2 hours,
at a hawkers district!!
beet root and fresh nutmeg!!!
this is a fruit juice stall,
I swear another cup of drink and I'll need to find a place to puke!!


There were so many beggars around,
be it blind, muted, handicapped....etc
They must be cursing!!

"Stopid bitch, eating so much by herself and not even sparing a single cent for me!!"

sorry money all gone to the food...