Thursday, June 14, 2007

Kamimura Japanese Restaurant

This got to be one of my boss's fav hangout spot,
erm...that's is for lunch.
Other spot ermm...I got to interview him later.
This is the standard complimentary appetizer,
yeah so much so for an appetizer..
It doesn't look good but it's tasty..
mixture of seaweed, pickled carrots and sweet toufu skin.
Whenever I'm here,
everyone knows what I'll have...
same thing all the time..
sashimi set RM 35 (plus soup, salad, another appetizer, pickles, rice, dessert)

Yes this place is super cheap,
and I do respect Jap restaurant who serves,
fresh wasabi....those freshly shaven fr its roots.
not those boring wasabi paste.
another not to be missed would be,
crispy salmon skin roll RM 5,
yes only 5!!!! WTF!!
where to get???

Kamimura Japanese Restaurant
Level 2,
Menara Weld Shopping Centre,
Tel: 603 2166 8928

On another note,
readers been asking...

How's Prince C?
Where is Prince C?

I think I'll need to start a fan club for tat bugger..
he's been enjoying himself in Sydney for the past 3 weeks,
and refused to come back!!

hehehe, but when he's back,
I am expecting some good wines...Pensfold Hermitage..

ok busy day ahead for me...
Cheers ppl!!


  1. I think you found the meaning behind the resturant's name - kami murah (we're cheap) :D

  2. I wonder if there's a Kami Mahal (we're expensive) in KL. Do let me know if u see one. :D
