Thursday, May 31, 2007

My Happy Day :-)

*click to see larger image*

What are u gals waiting for?

I am planning 2 trips..
one for today at KLCC,
tmrw outbound to Phuket another round at KLIA.

Never in my mind...
that my life would be this way..
Monkey was educated & graduated
to make $ at KLSE,

However her 1st job landed her in KLCC,
buying pcs of leather goods and apparels,
for an exlusive Italian brand.

Next she ended up bumming in KLIA
buying lines of fragrances & cosmetics..
high fashion, tobacco and wine.

the rest are history...
Confirmed Monkey can't earn,
nor create wealth,
Mom, What have YOU DONE TO ME?

*I just know how to buy buy buy....even in my career as a buyer*

Monkey looking up to the sky,
God pls make sure my 15 year old sister is not like me....

Suria KLCC

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