Friday, April 20, 2007


Walking down the memory lanes,
I've known u for 9 years...*we are getting old*
You were alwiz the wise one,
the matured one,

Who guided us tru our life in campus.
Took care of us,
nurtured us and made sure we do not misbehave *but somehow we alwiz did*

You had alwiz been the neutral one,
and made sure the whole pack stayed together,
in times of fights, quarrels, extreme bitching and breakdowns.
Tamed us to be good gals,
not to stay out soo late all the nites *but we still did*
made sure we did our tutorials,
all the important revisions before exams...

Thank you so much Rol Rol,
for all the efforts you made,
with love and care,
without hoping for anything in return.

though I don't say it often,
but you really did made big difference,
in my life and the way I see the world.
Now notti monkey had grown up,
but she will not forget,
wat Rol Rol had taught her...
all these while.

I am thankful to have u around,
and cherished as good chee mui,
thru thick and thin....
Notti Monkey is ecstatic to know,
that u have found someone special,
to share your life with...

Happy Birthday Rol Rol,
May God bless you,
with beautiful and joyful things,
all round your life.
Hugs & kisses.

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