Friday, March 16, 2007

a very Expensive lesson indeed

After graduated from Bordeux,
moved into....wat else...
of coz..

are from Bourgogne *it's french lar*
one of the most respectable region for wine making,
Due to its top grapes, growers' reputation, limited quantities,
translates to top price too.

One of the nite,
managed to dig out a "cheap" burgundy fr the wine cellar for dinner.

"It's only SGD 80 when I bought it last year"

"....that's a very cheap...and it's sooooo good"

for burgs you use a diff type of glass, can u see the difference in shape?

Burgundies are so beautiful, voluptuous and rounded..
the palate lar of coz...

Since it was so good & cheap,
texted Lawrence for supplies,
the feedback was alarming!!!

Meo Richebourg 2001

Notes fr wine experts:
extremely primary and backward with a nose of asian spices.
predominantly red fruits with traces of cassis and earth,
followed by medium weight, austere,
extremely dense flavors.

Concentrated and splendidly intense,
with outstanding length,
simply dazzling potential.

A very rare burgundy.

Year it's ready to drink??
2012!!!!! We were 5 years early!!!!!!

and the actual price???
SGD 850, wholesale price!!!!

amt available in Singapore last year??
a dozen = 12 bottles

Lim JS u ter-drank a superb burg!!!!
not the cheap one!!!

"I dunno wut, the label looked so innocent!!"
*pulls hair*

the worst thing is,
we had it with JS's home cooked mee goreng.

pengsan big time.
I think both of us need to do a tour in Burgundy, France and learn more about burgs.


  1. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Hi there.. i am michelle's friend, mimi. Your blog is very entertaining especially the wine blog.. i was rolling in the office luffing my head off with the "cheap" wine incident :) Have a great weekd and will definitely catch your blog write-ups! Rgds,mimi

  2. Hi there mimi, thank u for dropping by at monkey's blog. Glad to know u had a great time luffing at my silliness...hahaha. You have a great weekend too and cheers!!!

  3. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Damn YC! JS' mee goreng loooks soooo yummy lehhh.... *stomach growling.. -WC

  4. U must never ever read this blog when dinner's time is around the corner...hahahahahahaha. Jom we go eat mee goreng at Jln Yap Kwan Seng. Next week?
