Wednesday, March 14, 2007


usually weekends were spent entertaining,

also depending on mood and allocation of time.
*shopping sleep work sleep shopping work and sometimes golf*

Last Saturday was spent dining at home with JS's frenz..

Aragula in balsamic vinaigrette served with parmaggio cheese

thinly sliced waygu beef with organic eggs in truffle oil and truffle salt

this starter blew my mind and taste bud.....*yum*
so easy to make and outta this world

1st heat the pyrex in the oven at 200 degrees celcius for 10 mins,
then take it out and throw in a thinly sliced waygu onto each pyrex,
break an organic egg (or two if you like) on top...making sure it sits perfectly.

splash some truffle oil and of fav Tetsuya Truffle salt.
*you can get these at gourmet shops like David Jones in Sydney and Culina in Singapore*

Next grill it for a while until the egg white sets and the yolk is still runny.
Throw in some chives/spring onions if you like.

my fav apperitif, Moscato d'Asti, must alwiz get year 2004 ok?

my 5 bottles are still intact in Lawrence's chiller,
out of itchiness I bought another 4 fr Culina,
and borong-ed them home to KUL.

Next came a fantastic prawn sake with cappelini

as usual, cab sauv is a must have for the Coonawarra Estate, vintage - 96

it's a good and cheap wine...
Prince C was begging for more stocks a few days ago...

Since he can't read nor write...all he can describe was..
"the wine with 3 houses on the label....and 3 pokok (trees)"
"....???....which one worrrr....."
gave me seven year headache thinking of which damn bottle was it.

squid ink risotto....pretty hard to buy squid comes in sachets fr Italy

and of coz my fav dessert...
poached aussie mango in brown syrup with vanilla pods and basil,
will never ever get sick over this.

Another busy day today...
Cheers everyone!!!

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