Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Carol's Wedding Reception

I missed Carol's wedding early this month,
all in the name of w-o-r-k.

I'm gonna miss another party this week,
coz monkey goin off to Brunei tmrw,
*yawn* boring rich country.
and more parties to be missed next mth.

well, should have gotten used to it by now.
I have celebrated my own b-day 5 times overseas,
so u can imagine....there goes my life.
the bride and the groom....yum cha session
Marching in elegantly
Vonne and Cheng Man *is that CM?*
Connie, Lu Ai, Michelle, Vonne
with Wendy and Lay Kheng at the back
Connie and Su San, their dresses looked so similar in prints...sweet!!
Michelle & Vonne
pssst...where did u get the top Michelle??? Lurve it!!
Wendy, Vonne, Michelle, Connie, Lu Ai, Su San, Lay Kheng, Huey Khee

I must not...I will not..I shall not..I cannot
miss the next wedding!!!

A Million thanks to Vonne and a big hug to her for all the fabulous pics!!!!

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