Friday, February 16, 2007


How I wished it's "yum cha"
instead of "yum seng"
everynite for the whole solid week!!!

I need to insure....
my organs
lungs fr inhaling ciggie smokes,
liver fr excessive alcos,
stomach and organs related to digestive system...
fr over indulged in rich, heart choking, artery blocking chinese food!!!

and oh yea..
my throat fr shouting instead of singing
during all the karaoke session.
I hate singing...everyone knows that >_<

This is not good,
I've been entertaining my clients, retailers...
before the CNY..

"Lou Hei" everynite,
white wines, red wines, all sorts of beers, whiskies,
marlboro, dunhill, salem, whatever they are...
it appears as white toxic smokes to me...
as they puffed and blow it into my face,
I'm already in a trance.

Damn these ppl work hard and partay hard too.

Goin to work early in the morning as usual,
had been a torture and achievement...
I guess the torture is paying the bills.
Did my tooth just fell off??

Boss, I need a corporate credit card already...
Thank u in advance.

The restaurant manager is my best friend by now,
giving me free wines, free dried bbq meat, vouchers,
and the whole damn restaurant know me by my name,
Pai seh man...
even the jockey doesn't charge me for parking,
anyway to be a gentleman, I mean a lady,
I tipped the tam bee as usual.

Today is the last day of work before CNY,
half day....kua kua kua..
As usual, I was empowered to organise another makan session..

Everyone agreed..

me very cheeky,
booked the restaurant at 11.30am....for lunch.
so literally, we won't be working today....

We are gonna have Japanese today at Starhill.
wooooooo.....I can't wait to do last minute shopping after that!!

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